
If you have performed Zookeeper and HDFS rollback already, there are no additional rollback steps required for HBase.

  1. Start HBase in Ambari UI.
  2. If the HBase master does not start, ZooKeeper data must be cleaned by following these steps:
    1. Log in to the HBase Master host.
    2. Setup Kerberos Credentials in case of secured cluster.
      1. kinit -kt path/to/yarn-ats.hbase-master.keytab yarn-ats-hbase/hostname@domain
      2. export JVMFLAGS= "-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/usr/hdp/current/hbase-master/conf/hbase_master_jaas.conf"
    3. Delete the hbase-secure znode in the Zookeeper. zookeeper-client -server ${zk_server_url} rmr /hbase-secure