If you have performed Zookeeper and HDFS rollback already, there are no additional rollback steps required for HBase.
- Start HBase in Ambari UI.
- If the HBase master does not start, ZooKeeper data must be cleaned by following
these steps:
- Log in to the HBase Master host.
- Setup Kerberos Credentials in case of secured cluster.
- kinit -kt path/to/yarn-ats.hbase-master.keytab yarn-ats-hbase/hostname@domain
- export JVMFLAGS= "-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/usr/hdp/current/hbase-master/conf/hbase_master_jaas.conf"
- Delete the hbase-secure znode in the Zookeeper. zookeeper-client -server ${zk_server_url} rmr /hbase-secure