Hive Configuration Requirements and Recommendations
You need to set certain Hive and HiveServer (HS2) configuration properties after upgrading. You review recommendations for setting up Cloudera Base on premises for your needs, and understand which configurations remain unchanged after upgrading, which impact performance, and default values.
Requirements and Recommendations
The following table includes the Hive service and HiveServer properties that the upgrade
process changes. Other property values (not shown) are carried over unchanged from CDH or
HDP to Cloudera
- Set After Upgrade column: properties you need to manually configure after the upgrade to Cloudera. Pre-existing customized values are not preserved after the upgrade.
- Default Recommended column: properties that the upgrade process changes to a new value that you are strongly advised to use.
- Impacts Performance column: properties changed by the upgrade process that you set to tune performance.
- Safety Value Overrides column: How the upgrade process handles Safety Valve
- Disregards: the upgrade process removes any old CDH Safety Valve configuration snippets from the new CDP configuration.
- Preserves means the upgrade process carries over any old CDH snippets to the new CDP configuration.
- Not applicable means the value of the old parameter is preserved.
- Visible in CM column: property is visible in Cloudera Manager after upgrading.
Cloudera Manager after upgrading.
If a property is not visible, and you want to configure it, use the Cloudera Manager Safety Valve to safely add the parameter to the correct file, for example to a cluster-wide, hive-site.xml file.
Property | Set After Upgrade | Default Recommended | Impacts Performance | New Feature | Safety Valve Overrides | Visible in CM |
datanucleus.connectionPool.maxPoolSize | ✓ | Preserve | ||||
datanucleus.connectionPoolingType | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.async.log.enabled | Disregard | ✓ | |||| | Not applicable | ✓ | |||| | Preserve | ||||| | Preserve | |||||
hive.cbo.enable | Disregard | ✓ | |||| | Disregard | |||||
hive.compactor.worker.threads | ✓ | Disregard | ✓ | |||
hive.compute.query.using.stats | ✓ | Disregard | ✓ | |||
hive.conf.hidden.list | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.conf.restricted.list | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.default.fileformat.managed | Disregard | ✓ | ||||
hive.default.rcfile.serde | ✓ | Preserve | ||||
hive.driver.parallel.compilation | Disregard | ✓ | ||||
hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode | Disregard | |||||
hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions | Preserve | |||||
hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode | Preserve | ||||| | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.exec.reducers.max | ✓ or other prime number | Not applicable | ✓ | |||
hive.execution.engine | Disregard | |||||
hive.fetch.task.conversion | ✓ | Not applicable | ✓ | |||
hive.fetch.task.conversion.threshold | ✓ | Not appliable | ✓ | |||
hive.hashtable.key.count.adjustment | ✓ | Preserve | ||||
hive.limit.optimize.enable | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.limit.pushdown.memory.usage | ✓ | Not Applicable | ✓ | |||
hive.mapjoin.hybridgrace.hashtable | ✓ | ✓ | Disregard | |||
hive.mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.metastore.aggregate.stats.cache.enabled | ✓ | ✓ | Disregard | |||
hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes | Disregard | ||||| | Disregard | ✓ | ||||
hive.metastore.event.message.factory | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.metastore.uri.selection | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.metastore.warehouse.dir | Preserve | ✓ | ||||
hive.optimize.metadataonly | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.optimize.point.lookup.min | Disregard | |||||
hive.prewarm.numcontainers | Disregard | |||||
hive.script.operator.env.blacklist | ✓ | Disregard | |||| | ✓ | Disregard | |||| | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.server2.enable.doAs | Disregard | ✓ | ||||
hive.server2.idle.session.timeout | Not applicable | ✓ | ||||
hive.server2.max.start.attempts | Preserve | ||||| | Preserve | ||||| | ✓ | Disregard | ✓ | |||
hive.server2.tez.initialize.default.sessions | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.server2.thrift.max.worker.threads | Not Applicable | ✓ | ||||
hive.server2.thrift.resultset.max.fetch.size | Preserve | |||||
hive.service.metrics.file.location | Disregard | ✓ | ||||
hive.stats.column.autogather | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.stats.deserialization.factor | ✓ | Disregard | |||| | ✓ | Disregard | |||| | ✓ | Disregard | ✓ | |||
hive.tez.bucket.pruning | ✓ | Disregard | ✓ | |||
hive.tez.container.size | ✓ | Disregard | ✓ | |||
hive.tez.exec.print.summary | ✓ | Disregard | ✓ | |||
hive.txn.manager | ✓ | Disregard | ✓ | |||
hive.vectorized.execution.mapjoin.minmax.enabled | ✓ | Disregard | |||| | ✓ | Disregard | ||||
hive.vectorized.use.row.serde.deserialize | ✓ | Disregard |