Rollback HDP Services After Ambari rollback, you must rollback the HDP services in the following order to restore to HDP 2.6.5. OverviewYou can roll back an upgrade from HDP 2.6.5.x to CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.6, 7.1.7 SP2, and 7.1.8. The rollback restores your HDP cluster to the state it was in before the upgrade, including Kerberos and TLS/SSL configurations. ZooKeeperUse the following step to restore the backed-up data for ZooKeeper. For zookeeper, the default folder is /hadoop/zookeeper.Ambari-Metrics To restore the backed-up Ambari-Metrics data, downgrade the ambari-metrics packages on all hosts and restore the backed-up-ambari-metrics data. Ambari Infra SolrUse the following steps to restore backed-up ambari infras solr data. RangerRollback procedure of Ranger includes restoring Ranger admin database and Ranger KMS database. HDFSBefore starting the rollback procedure, make sure that all HDFS service roles are stopped.YARNIf you have performed HDFS rollback already, there are no additional rollback steps required for YARN. HBaseIf you have performed HDFS rollback already, there are no additional rollback steps required for HBase.KafkaTo roll back Kafka, perform the following steps. AtlasPerform the following steps to restore HBase tables and ATLAS_ENTITY_AUDIT_EVENTS table. HiveYou must delete your existing Hive Metastore database to roll back the Hive services. SparkKnow more about the Spark roll back. Oozie To roll back the Oozie service, you must restore the Oozie database. KnoxWith the backup and rollback of Ambari, Knox is also backed up and rolled back by default.ZeppelinWith the backup and rollback of HDFS, Zeppelin is also backed up and rolled back by default.Log SearchParent topic: Upgrading HDP to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.x