You must check HDFS HA and set Failover controller.
Cloudera Manager does not support the comma separated entries. Review
dfs.data.transfer.protection and
hadoop.rpc.protection parameters. If SSL is not enabled, then click
Undo. This will clear the selections.
Start HDFS service.
Failover Controller fails to start. You must continue with step 3 or 4.
Format the ZooKeeper Failover controller ZnNode. SSH to the Failover controller host
And perform the following using the example:
# cd /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/<xx>-hdfs-FAILOVERCONTROLLER /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/bin/hdfs --config /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/<xx>-hdfs-FAILOVERCONTROLLER/ zkfc -formatZK
Check the output in the log for success. If the error is:
`ERROR tools.DFSZKFailoverController: DFSZKFailOverController exiting due to earlier exception java.io.IOException: Running in secure mode, but config doesn't have a keytab`.
- The ZooKeeper nodes are not created. You must manually create the ZNodes for the Failover controllers to start and allow an Active Namenode to be elected.
- With the zookeeper-client, open a ZooKeeper Shell `zookeeper-client -server <a_zk_server>`
Create the required ZNodes
create /hadoop-ha
create /hadoop-ha/<namenode_namespace>
Check the output in the log for success. If the error is:
This is an alternative step to the above step 3.
- Log in to Cloudera Manager.
- Navigate to Clusters
- Click HDFS
- Go to the Instances tab
- Click Failover Controller instance
- Click Actions
- Initialize Automatic Failover Znode
- Start HDFS service again.