Restore Ranger KMS Database
Restoring Ranger KMS involves steps for restoring MSQL, POSTGRES, and Oracle databases.
To restore the database, perform the folllowing:
- Delete the existing database.
- Create an empty new database on the Database host.
- Restore the database using below msyql command.
mysql -u root drop database rangerkms; create database rangerkms; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON rangerkms.* TO 'rangerkms'@'localhost'; $ mysql -u [username] -p existing_empty_db_name < dump_fileName.sql
mysql -u rangerkms -p rangerkms < /root/backups/ranger/db/kms/rangerkms.sql
Press the Enter key. Type the database password when the password prompts.
To restore data, perform the folllowing:
- Delete the existing database.
- Create an empty new database in its place.
- Run the below command on postgres database host.
dropdb -U owner_username dbname; [Enter db owner password at the prompt]
dropdb -U rangerkms rangerkms; su - postgres psql create database rangerkms; ALTER DATABASE rangerkms OWNER TO rangerkms; \q exit psql -U rangerkms rangerkms < /root/backups/ranger/db/kms/rangerkms.sql [Enter db owner password at the prompt as rangeradmin]
rm -rf del_kms_tbl_cmd.sql sqlplus -s rangerkms/rangerkms << EOF spool on spool del_kms_tbl_cmd.sql SELECT 'DROP TABLE "' || TABLE_NAME || '" CASCADE CONSTRAINTS;' FROM user_tables union ALL select 'drop '||object_type||' '|| object_name || ';' from user_objects where object_type in ('VIEW','PACKAGE','SEQUENCE', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION') union ALL SELECT 'drop ' ||object_type ||' ' || object_name || ' force;' FROM user_objects WHERE object_type IN ('TYPE'); spool off @del_kms_tbl_cmd.sql exit; EOF
Press Enter and then run the following command.
imp rangerkms/rangerkms file=backups/ranger/db/kms/orcl12c.sql log=backups/ranger/db/kms/restore.log