HDP2 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version

Preparing HDP Search for upgrade

Cloudera provides the solr-upgrade.sh script to transition HDP Search 2 or 3 configurations to make them compatible with Solr 8 that is shipped with Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher. To run this script, you need to download configuration metadata from your HDP Search instance and copy it to an interim CDP cluster with Solr service. You can then use that same cluster to validate and test the migrated configuration metadata.

The migration script cannot upgrade the Lucene index files. After upgrading, you must reindex your collections. For more information, see Reindexing in Solr in the Apache Solr wiki.

  1. Deploy an interim CDP cluster with Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher. Start a Solr service.
  2. Download the HDP Search configuration and copy it to the interim CDP cluster.
  3. Transition the HDP Search configuration using the interim cluster.
  4. Validate the transitioned configuration, using the interim cluster.
  5. Test the transitioned configuration, using the interim cluster.
  6. Upgrade HDP to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.x.
  7. Perform Search post-HDP-upgrade tasks.