Download cluster blueprints

Ensure you download the cluster blueprints before you begin the upgrade.

  1. To download the cluster blueprints with hosts, do the following:
    curl ${securecurl} -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X GET -u ${ambariuser}:${ambaripwd} ${ambariprotocol}://${ambariserver}:${ambariport}/api/v1/clusters/${clustername}?format=blueprint_with_hosts > "${backupdir}"/${clustername}_blueprint_with_hosts_"$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")".json
  2. To download the cluster blueprints without hosts, do the following:
    curl ${securecurl} -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X GET -u ${ambariuser}:${ambaripwd} ${ambariprotocol}://${ambariserver}:${ambariport}/api/v1/clusters/${clustername}?format=blueprint > "${backupdir}"/${clustername}_blueprint_without_hosts_"$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")".json

    securecurl = -k for https

    securecurl = -k for https

    ambariuser = Ambari User Name

    ambaripwd = Ambari Password

    ambariprotocol = http or https

    ambariserver = Ambari Server Name

    ambariport = Ambari Port

    clustername = The Name of the cluster

    backupdir = The folder to download the blueprint