HDP2 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version

Ambari upgrade checklist

When preparing to upgrade Ambari and the HDP Cluster, Cloudera recommends that you review this checklist to confirm that your cluster operation is healthy. Attempting to upgrade a cluster that is operating in an unhealthy state can produce unexpected results.

When preparing to upgrade Ambari and the HDP Cluster, Cloudera recommends that you review this checklist to confirm that your cluster operation is healthy. Attempting to upgrade a cluster that is operating in an unhealthy state can produce unexpected results.

Important: Always ensure that you are using the most recent version of Ambari to perform your upgrade.

  • Ensure all services in the cluster are running.

  • Run each Service Check (found under the Service Actions menu) and confirm they execute successfully.

  • Clear all alerts, or understand why they are being generated. Remediate as necessary.

  • Confirm that the start and stop options for all services are executing successfully.

  • Record the time it takes to start and stop each service. The time to start and stop services is a big contributor to overall upgrade time so having this information handy is useful.

  • Download the software packages prior to the upgrade. Place them in a local repository and consider using a storage proxy because multi-gigabyte downloads are required on all nodes in the cluster.

  • Ensure point-in-time backups are taken of all databases that support the cluster. This includes (among others) Ambari, Hive, Ranger, Druid, Superset, and Oozie.