Migrating Navigator content to AtlasPDF version

Installing Atlas using the Cloudera Manager upgrade wizard

You can use the wizard in Cloudera Manager to upgrade from CDH to Cloudera Base on Private Cloud, install Apache Atlas and its dependencies, and to generate customized commands to initiate the migration phases.

This page describes the Cloudera Manager wizard steps that help you to set up Atlas and its service dependencies.

When a cluster is upgraded from CDH 5 or CDH 6 to CDP 7.x, by default the atlas.metadata.namespace property is set to cm.

If a different namespace property needs to be set, for example: cluster1, the same needs to be set while running the nav2atlas script as "-clusterName '' parameter and also in the atlas-application properties in the upgrade wizard.

Post-upgrade, note that the different value "cluster1" is not automatically updated in Hooks for services like Hive, HBase, Impala, Spark, and Kafka. You must make sure that before you upgrade your cluster and after the services are installed, you must set the value "cluster1" for all the available services. And later complete the upgrade process.

As an example process, follow these steps if namespace other than default "cm" needs to be set:

  1. Provide the namespace ("cluster1") in the transformation step of the Nav2Atlas script.
  2. Add atlas.metadata.namespace =cluster1 in atlas-application properties in the upgrade wizard for Atlas.
  3. Open another tab of the Cloudera Manager while the upgrade process is in progress and add atlas.metadata.namespace =cluster1 in advanced configuration Safety Valve of atlas-application.properties for all the Hook services (Hive, HiveServer2, Spark, HBase, Impala, and Kafka).
  4. Perform all the other steps in the upgrade wizard and complete the upgrade.
  5. Remove Atlas from the migration mode.

To return to the main wizard documentation, go to Upgrading a CDH 6 Cluster.

Follow instructions in the upgrade wizard "Install Services" section.

Refer to Step 10: Run the Upgrade Cluster Wizard.

  1. Enable Atlas install. If the CDH cluster being upgraded was running Navigator, the upgrade wizard shows a note recommending that you enable Atlas in the new cluster. Select the Install Atlas option.
  2. Install Atlas dependencies.

    The wizard steps through the installation for Atlas' dependencies, assuming these services have not already been included in the installation:

    • ZooKeeper. Assign one or more hosts for the ZooKeeper role.
    • HDFS. Already included in the installation.
    • Kafka. Select the optional dependency of HDFS. Atlas requires configuring the Broker service only, not MirrorMaker, Connect, or Gateway.
    • HBase. Atlas requires configuring HBase Master and RegionServers only, not REST or Thrift Server. Assign a Master role on at least one host. Assign RegionServers to all hosts.
    • Solr. Assign a host for the Solr Server role. Set the Java Heap Size of Solr Server in Bytes property to 12 GB (to support the migration operation).

    For recommendations on where in the cluster to install the service roles, see Runtime Cluster Hosts and Role Assignments.

  3. Click Add Atlas Service. The wizard steps through choosing a host and setting migration details.
    • Set the host for the Atlas server roles and click Continue.

      Tip: Remember this host because you need to SSH to it later to trigger the content migration from Navigator.

      • The Atlas Migrate Navigator Data screen displays. This screen contains migration commands that are customized to your environment. When you fill in the output file paths, the command text changes to incorporate your settings.
      • The Atlas Enable Migration Mode screen displays. Review the Atlas advanced configuration Safety Valve content and click Continue. After the migration is complete, you remove these settings manually to start Atlas.
      • The Atlas Review Changes screen displays. Review the configurations and make any necessary changes. You must provide a value for the following:
        • Admin Password – choose a password for the preconfigured admin user.
        • Atlas Max Heapsize – set the max heapsize to the default value by clicking the curved blue arrow. If you plan to migrate content from Cloudera Navigator to Atlas, consider setting the heapsize to 16 GB.
  4. Click Continue.

The Cloudera Manager upgrade wizard continues with "Other Tasks" and "Inspector Checks" sections. The wizard steps for installing Atlas are complete at this point and you can continue to complete the Cloudera Runtime upgrade.