Migrating Hive Workloads to Cloudera Private CloudPDF version

Checking and correcting Hive table locations

As a Data Engineer, you need to understand the relocation of files after the upgrade process. The file type and other factors affect the relocation during the upgrade.

The upgrade process changes table types in some cases. The following table compares Hive table types and ACID operations before and after upgrading. The ownership of the Hive table file is a factor in determining table types and ACID operations after the upgrade.

Table 4.1. Before and After Upgrading Table Type Comparison
Before Upgrading After Upgrading
Table Type ACID v1 Format Owner (user) of Hive Table File Table Type ACID v2
External No Native or non-native hive or non-hive External No
Managed Yes ORC hive or non-hive Managed, updatable** Yes
Managed No ORC hive Managed, updatable** Yes
non-hive External, with data delete* No
Managed No Native (but non-ORC) hive Managed, insert only** Yes
non-hive External, with data delete* No
Managed No Non-native hive or non-hive External, with data delete* No

* See Dropping an External Table Along with the Data.

** Not SparkSQL-compatible

If you had external files before the upgrade, the upgrade process carries the external files over to CDP after upgrading with no change in location. The external files continue to reside in the /apps/hive/warehouse directory.

Managed, ACID tables that are not owned by the hive user remain managed tables after the upgrade, but hive becomes the owner.

After the upgrade, the location of managed tables or partitions do not change under any one of the following conditions:

  • The old table or partition directory was not in its default location /apps/hive/warehouse before the upgrade.

  • The old table or partition directory is in a different encryption zone than the new warehouse directory.

The /apps/hive/warehouse directory, which is the location of the Hive 2.x warehouse before upgrading, might or might not exist after upgrading.
  1. Check the /apps/hive/warehouse directory for files that do not belong there after upgrading.

    Files that do not belong in /apps/hive/warehouse are files tdescribed in the table above as managed files after upgrading. The upgrade process should have moved the managed files to the new /warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive/warehouse directory.

  2. Check that the upgrade process moved managed files to /warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive.
  3. Check that Hive places any new external tables you create after upgrading in /warehouse/tablespace/external/hive.