CDH 5 to CDP Private Cloud BasePDF version

Copy the transitioned configuration to the upgrade metadata directory

After you have successfully migrated the Solr configuration, and verified that the updated configuration works in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher, you have to copy it to the Upgrade Metadata Directory and change its ownership to the Solr service superuser.

You specified the Upgrade Metadata Directory in Set upgrade configuration properties in Cloudera Manager. In this example, it is /cr7-solr-metadata/migrated-config.

  1. Copy the upgraded configuration to the upgrade metadata directory:
    sudo mkdir -p /cr7-solr-metadata/migrated-config
    sudo cp -r $HOME/cr7-migrated-solr-config/* /cr7-solr-metadata/migrated-config
  2. Change ownership to the Solr service superuser (solr in this example):
    sudo chown -R solr:solr /cr7-solr-metadata
  3. If you have made any changes to the configuration after testing on a Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher cluster, you must copy the updated configuration from the Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher test cluster to the CDH 5 cluster you are upgrading.

After copying the upgraded configuration to the upgrade metadata directory, you are ready to upgrade to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher following the regular process as documented in Upgrading a CDH 5 Cluster. After the upgrade is complete, continue to Cloudera Search post-upgrade tasks.