Setting Hive Configuration Overrides

You need to know how to configure the critical customizations that the upgrade process does not preserve from your old Hive cluster. Referring to your records about your old configuration, you follow steps to set at least six critical property values.

By design, the six critical properties that you need to customize are not visible in Cloudera Manager, as you can see from the Visible in CM column of Configurations Requirements and Recommendations. You use the Safety Valve to add these properties to hive-site.xml as shown in this task.
  1. In Cloudera Manager > Clusters select the Hive on Tez service. Click Configuration, and search for hive-site.xml.
  2. In Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml, click +.
  3. In Name, add the hive.conf.hidden.list property.
  4. In Value, add your custom list.
  5. Customize the other critical properties: hive.conf.restricted.list,, hive.script.operator.env.blacklist,,
    Use, for example, to set up the list.
  6. Save the changes and restart the Hive service.
  7. Look at the Configurations Requirements and Recommendations to understand which overrides were preserved or not.