CDH 6 to CDP Private Cloud BasePDF version

Run Hue Document Cleanup

If your cluster uses Hue, perform the following steps (not required for maintenance releases). These steps clean up the database tables used by Hue and can help improve performance after an upgrade.
  1. Back up your database before starting the cleanup activity.
  2. Check the saved documents such as Queries and Workflows for a few users to prevent data loss.
  3. Connect to the Hue database. See Hue Custom Databases in the Hue component guide for information about connecting to your Hue database.
  4. Check the size of the desktop_document, desktop_document2, oozie_job, beeswax_session, beeswax_savedquery and beeswax_queryhistory tables to have a reference point. If any of these have more than 100k rows, run the cleanup.
    select count(*) from desktop_document;
    select count(*) from desktop_document2;
    select count(*) from beeswax_session;
    select count(*) from beeswax_savedquery;
    select count(*) from beeswax_queryhistory;
    select count(*) from oozie_job;
  5. SSH in to an active Hue instance as a root user.
  6. If you are upgrading from CDH 5.x or 6.x to CDP, then follow the below steps:
    1. Download the Hue cleanup scripts by using one of the commands:
      git clone /opt/cloudera/hue_scripts
      wget -qO- -O /tmp/ && unzip -d /tmp /tmp/
      mv /tmp/hue_scripts-master /opt/cloudera/hue_scripts

      Alternatively, you can contact Cloudera Support for assistance.

    2. Run the script as the root user:
      DESKTOP_DEBUG=True /opt/cloudera/hue_scripts/script_runner hue_desktop_document_cleanup --keep-days 30 --cm-managed

      (Optional) Specify DESKTOP_DEBUG=True if you want to log information for troubleshooting purposes. Alternatively, you can view the logs from the following location: /var/log/hue/hue_desktop_document_cleanup.log. The first run can typically take around 1 minute per 1000 entries in each table.

    3. Check the size of the desktop_document, desktop_document2, oozie_job, beeswax_session, beeswax_savedquery and beeswax_queryhistory tables and confirm they are now smaller.
      select count(*) from desktop_document;
      select count(*) from desktop_document2;
      select count(*) from beeswax_session;
      select count(*) from beeswax_savedquery;
      select count(*) from beeswax_queryhistory;
      select count(*) from oozie_job;
    4. If the hue_scripts script has run successfully, the table size should decrease, and you can now set up a cron job for scheduled cleanups.

    5. Copy the wrapper script for cron by running the following command:
      cp /opt/cloudera/hue_scripts/ /etc/cron.daily
    6. Specify the cleanup interval in the --keep-days property in the file as shown in the following example:
      ${SCRIPT_DIR}/script_runner hue_desktop_document_cleanup --keep-days 120

      In this case, the data will be retained in the tables for 120 days.

    7. Change the permissions on the script so only the root user can run it.
      chmod 700 /etc/cron.daily/
  7. If you are upgrading from a previous CDP release, the follow the below steps:
    1. Change to the Hue home directory:
      cd /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hue
    2. Run the following command as the root user:
      ./build/env/bin/hue desktop_document_cleanup --keep-days x--cm-managed

      The --keep-days property is used to specify the number of days for which Hue will retain the data in the backend database.

      (Optional) Specify DESKTOP_DEBUG=True if you want to log information for troubleshooting purposes. Alternatively, you can view the logs from the following location: /var/log/hue/hue_desktop_document_cleanup.log.

      For example:
      DESKTOP_DEBUG=True ./build/env/bin/hue desktop_document_cleanup --keep-days 90 --cm-managed 90

      In this case, Hue will retain data for the last 90 days.

      The first run can typically take around 1 minute per 1000 entries in each table, but can take much longer depending on the size of the tables.

    3. Check the size of the desktop_document, desktop_document2, oozie_job, beeswax_session, beeswax_savedquery and beeswax_queryhistory tables and confirm they are now smaller.
      select count(*) from desktop_document;
      select count(*) from desktop_document2;
      select count(*) from beeswax_session;
      select count(*) from beeswax_savedquery;
      select count(*) from beeswax_queryhistory;
      select count(*) from oozie_job;
    4. If any of the tables are still above 100k in size, run the command again while specifying less number of days this time. For example, 60 or 30.

If the script fails to find the HUE_SERVER process directory, then you may see the following error: KeyError: 'HUE_CONF_DIR'.

To resolve this issue, set the following environment variable before running the script:
export HUE_CONF_DIR=`ls -1dtr /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/*HUE_SERVER | tail -1`
If the script cannot decrypt the Hue database password from the configuration files, then you may see the following error:
Error: Password not present
 File "/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-6.2.1-1.cdh6.2.1.p4099.4889921/lib/hue/desktop/core/src/desktop/lib/", line 721, in coerce_password_from_script
 raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, script)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/5260-hue-HUE_SERVER/ sec-5-password' returned non-zero exit status 1
To resolve this issue, specify the Hue database password through an environment variable: