HDP2 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version

Configure SSL/TLS in Ambari

In the Ambari UI, you enable TLS for DAS Engine and update the DAS Engine configuration if settings change.

  1. Copy the keystore files generated in the earlier procedures to webapp and event processor hosts. Make sure they are owned by configured user for DAS. The default user is hive.

    For example:

  2. Navigate to Data Analytics Studio > Configs.
  3. Set the following properties in Advanced data_analytics_studio-security-site section.
    Field Value
    ssl_enabled Make sure it is checked.
    webapp_keystore_file Enter the keystore path on the webapp host.
    das_webapp_keystore_password Enter the password used in the previous procedure.
    event_processor_keystore_file Enter the keystore path on the event processor.
    das_event_processor_keystore_password Enter the password used in the previous procedure.
  4. In the Advanced data_analytics_studio-webapp-properties section, set Data Analytics Studio Webapp server protocol property to https.
  5. In the Advanced data_analytics_studio-event_processor-properties section, set Data Analytics Studio Event Processor server protocol property to https.