HDP2 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version


Before upgrading, your Hive version might have supported using the LOCATION clause in queries to create either managed or external tables or databases for managed and external tables. After upgrading, Hive stores managed and external tables in separate HDFS locations. CREATE TABLE limits the use of the LOCATION clause, and consequently requires a change to your queries. Hive in also supports a new location-related clause.

Hive assigns a default location in the warehouse for external tables—/warehouse/tablespace/external/hive. In , Hive does not allow the LOCATION clause in queries to create a managed table. Using this clause, you can specify a location only when creating external tables. For example:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_external_table (a string, b string)  
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'com.mytables.MySerDe' 
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( "input.regex" = "*.csv")
LOCATION '/warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/marketing';

In , Hive has been enhanced to include a MANAGEDLOCATION clause to specify the location of managed tables as shown in the following syntax:

  [COMMENT database_comment]
  [LOCATION external_table_path]
  [MANAGEDLOCATION managed_table_directory_path]
  [WITH DBPROPERTIES (property_name=property_value, ...)];

Hive assigns a default location in the warehouse for managed tables—/warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive. In the MANAGEDLOCATION clause, you specify a top level directory for managed tables when creating a Hive database.