CDH 6 to CDP Private Cloud BasePDF version

Validate TLS configurations

If you are upgrading to from CDH to Cloudera Manager 7.4.4 or earlier, you need to validate TLS configurations. By validating TLS, you can avoid upgrade failure by properly configuring Cloudera Manager properties if your clusters are TLS-enabled.

Cloudera Manager does not configure the following properties for Hive metastore (HMS):
  • HDFS NameNode TLS/SSL Trust Store File (namenode_truststore_file)
  • HDFS NameNode TLS/SSL Trust Store Password (namenode_truststore_password)
  • Hive Metastore TLS/SSL Trust Store File (hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.truststore.path)
  • Hive Metastore TLS/SSL Trust Store Password (hive.metastore.dbaccess.ssl.truststore.password)
These configurations are required. Ranger Plugin needs to validate the TLS connection to Ranger to download policies. The Hive Strict Managed Migration (HSMM) reports success, but actually fails. The HSMM log appears as follows:
HiveStrictManagedMigration: [main]: Found 0 databases
HiveStrictManagedMigration: [main]: Done processing databases

You must configure the HDFS and HMS truststore file and password properties after upgrading Cloudera Manager to 7.3.1 or later.

  • You completed the upgrade to Cloudera Manager 7.4.4 or earlier.
  • Your CDP cluster will be TLS-enabled.
  1. In Cloudera Manager, to configure HDFS properties click Clusters > HDFS-1 > Configuration .
  2. Search for namenode_truststore.
  3. Set HDFS NameNode TLS/SSL Trust Store File to {{CM_AUTO_TLS}}.
  4. Set HDFS TLS/SSL Trust Store Password.
  5. In Cloudera Manager, to configure Hive Metastore properties click Clusters > Hive-1 > Configuration .
  6. Search for hive.metastore.dbaccess.
  7. Set Hive Metastore TLS/SSL Trust Store File to {{CM_AUTO_TLS}}.
  8. Set Hive Metastore TLS/SSL Trust Store Password.
  9. Save changes.