CDH 5 to CDP Private Cloud BasePDF version

Transition the configuration using Cloudera Manager versions 7.3.1 or higher

The migration script transforms configuration metadata before the actual upgrade and checks its validity for the target Solr version. In case it identifies incompatibilities it cannot resolve, the script stops, letting you fix the input file with the incompatibility. Afterwards, you can rerun the script to continue with the transition process.

When running the script, you must specify the location of the CDH 5 Solr binaries using the CDH_SOLR_HOME environment variable. Solr binaries are located at /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr.

For example:

export CDH_SOLR_HOME=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr

For information on command syntax and usage options, run the following command:

./ help

In this procedure you run with the upgrade-metadata option. It transforms configuration metadata to make it compatible with the target Solr version. The input of the script ([***/SOLR/METADATA/INPUT/DIRECTORY***]) is the Solr configuration that you have downloaded from the ZooKeeper service of the source version.

The Solr configuration transition script,, is included with Cloudera Manager 7.1 agent software. This enables you to run the script after upgrading to Cloudera Manager 7.1, but before upgrading to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher.

The script is located at /opt/cloudera/cm/solr-upgrade/

  1. Make sure that you run the script on a host that is assigned a Solr Server or Solr service Gateway role. Confirm that the SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE environment variable is set in /etc/solr/conf/
    cat /etc/solr/conf/
    export SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE=[***,***] \
    export SENTRY_CONF_DIR=/etc/solr/[***conf.example.SOLR-1888]/sentry-conf
    Replace [***,***] and [***conf.example.SOLR-1***] with actual values valid in your environment.
  2. Run the migration script:
    /opt/cloudera/cm/solr-upgrade/ upgrade-metadata \
    Replace [***/SOLR/METADATA/INPUT/DIRECTORY***] and [***SOLR/METADATA/OUTPUT/DIRECTORY***] with actual values valid in your environment.
    For example:
    /opt/cloudera/cm/solr-upgrade/ upgrade-metadata \
    -c $HOME/cr7-solr-migration -d $HOME/cr7-migrated-solr-config

    If you have enabled Kerberos, specify your JAAS configuration file by adding --jaas [***PATH/TO/SOLR/JAAS.CONF***] to the command.

    For example:
    /opt/cloudera/cm/solr-upgrade/ \
    --jaas [***PATH/TO/SOLR/JAAS.CONF***] \
    upgrade-metadata -c $HOME/cr7-solr-migration -d $HOME/cr7-migrated-solr-config 

    The output directory does not only contain the migrated configuration files but several *_validation.html files for all the steps of the migration and a new index_validation.html file linking to these files.

    The output contains the following logs at the beginning and end of the steps:

    ---------- upgrading ...
    ---------- upgrade successful for …

    If a step reports an error, the script stops at that point and the METADATA UPGRADE SUCCESSFUL message is missing. Check the output for the problematic step. If the script stops on error, the last step printed only has the upgrading but not the upgrade successful line.

  3. Fix the erroneous file in the input directory ($HOME/cr7-solr-migration in this example) and re-run the script.

    Each time you run the script, the files in the output directory ($HOME/cr7-migrated-solr-config in this example) are overwritten. Repeat until the script outputs no incompatibilities.

    If the script runs successfully, the last line of the output is the following:

    For example:
    OUTPUT STORED IN $HOME/cr7-migrated-solr-config