CDH 5 to CDP Private Cloud BasePDF version

About Solr configuration transformation script

Cloudera provides a Solr configuration transformation script to simplify the upgrade process by providing upgrade instructions tailored to your configuration. These instructions can help you to answer the following questions:

  • Does my Solr configuration use configurations that are incompatible with the new version? If so, which ones?
  • For each incompatibility, what do I need to do to address it? Where can I get more information about this incompatibility, and why it was introduced?
  • Are there any changes in Lucene or Solr that require me to do a full re-index, or is it sufficient to upgrade the index? For all upgrades to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher from CDH 5, re-indexing is required.

In general, incompatibilities are categorized as follows:

  • ERROR: The removal of a Lucene or Solr configuration element (such as a field type) is marked as ERROR in the validation output. These types of incompatibilities typically result in failure to start the Solr service or load the core. To address this, you must manually fix the Solr configuration.
  • WARNING: The deprecation of a configuration element in the new Solr version is marked as WARNING in the validation output. In general, these types of incompatibilities do not prevent starting the Solr service or loading cores, but may prevent applications from using new Lucene or Solr features (or bug fixes). You can choose to make changes to Solr configuration using application specific knowledge to fix such incompatibility.
  • INFO: Incompatibilities that can be fixed automatically by rewriting the Solr configuration are marked INFO in the validation output. This can include incompatibilities in the underlying Lucene implementation (for example, LUCENE-6058) that would require rebuilding the index instead of upgrading it. Typically, these incompatibilities do not result in failure to start the Solr service or load cores, but may affect query result accuracy or consistency of the underlying indexed data.