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Installing the psycopg2 Python package for PostgreSQL database

If you are using PostgreSQL as a backend database for Hue on Cloudera Base on premises 7.x.x, then you must install a version of the psycopg2 package to be at least 2.9.5 on all Hue hosts. The psycopg2 package is automatically installed as a dependency of Cloudera Manager Agent, but the version installed is often lower than 2.9.3.

Before you begin, you must disable the postgresql10 section from the cloudera-manager.repo file as follows:
  1. SSH in to the Cloudera Manager host as an Administrator.
  2. Change to the directory where you had downloaded the cloudera-manager.repo file. On RHEL, the file is present under the /etc/yum.repos.d directory.
  3. Open the file for editing and update the value of the enabled property to 0 as follows:
    name=Postgresql 10
  4. Save the file and exit.

The following steps apply to CentOS 7, RHEL 7, OEL 7, CentOS 8, RHEL 8, and OEL 8:

  1. SSH into the Hue server host as a root user.
  2. Install the psycopg2-binary package as follows:
    pip3.8 install psycopg2-binary
  3. Repeat these steps on all the Hue server hosts.
If you get the "Error: pg_config executable not found" error while installing the psycopg2-binary package, then run the following commands to install the postgresql, postgresql-devel, python-devel packages:
yum install postgresql postgresql-devel python-devel