HDP3 to CDP Private Cloud Base Two Stage upgradePDF version

Setting up local repository with temporary internet access

You must have completed the Getting Started Setting up a Local Repository procedure.

To finish setting up your local repository, complete the following:
  1. Install the repository configuration files for Ambari and the Stack on the host.
  2. Confirm repository availability:
    • For RHEL, CentOS, Oracle or Amazon Linux: yum repolist
    • For SLES: zypper repos
    • For Debian and Ubuntu: dpkg-list
  3. Synchronize the repository contents to your mirror server:
    1. Browse to the web server directory:
      • For RHEL, CentOS, Oracle or Amazon Linux: cd /var/www/html
      • For SLES: cd /srv/www/htdocs/rpms
      • For Debain and Ubuntu: cd /var/www/html
    2. For Ambari, create the ambari directory and reposync: mkdir -p ambari/<OS>, cd ambari/<OS>, and reposync -r Updates-Ambari-7.1.x.x. In this syntax, the value of <OS> is amazonlinux2, centos7, sles12, ubuntu16, ubuntu18, or debian9.
    3. For Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) stack repositories, create the hdp directory and reposync: mkdir -p hdp/<OS>, cd hdp/<OS>, and reposync -r HDP-<latest.version>, and reposync -r HDP-UTILS-<version>.
    4. For HDF Stack Repositories, create an hdf directory and reposync. mkdir -p hdf/<OS>, cd hdf/<OS>, and reposync -r HDF-<latest.version>.
  4. Generate the repository metadata:
    • For Ambari: createrepo <web.server.directory>/ambari/<OS>/Updates-Ambari-7.1.x.x
    • For HDP Stack Repositories: createrepo <web.server.directory>/hdp/<OS>/HDP-<latest.version> createrepo <web.server.directory>/hdp/<OS>/HDP-UTILS-<version>
    • For HDF Stack Repositories: createrepo <web.server.directory>/hdf/<OS>/HDF-<latest.version>
  5. Confirm that you can browse to the newly created repository:
    • Ambari Base URL http://<web.server>/ambari/<OS>/Updates-Ambari-7.1.x.x
    • HDF Base URL http://<web.server>/hdf/<OS>/HDF-<latest.version>
    • HDP Base URL http://<web.server>/hdp/<OS>/HDP-<latest.version>
    • HDP-UTILS Base URL http://<web.server>/hdp/<OS>/HDP-UTILS-<version>


      • <web.server> – The FQDN of the web server host

      • <version> – The Hortonworks stack version number

      • <OS> – centos7, sles12, ubuntu16, ubuntu 18, or debian9

  6. Optional. If you have multiple repositories configured in your environment, deploy the following plug-in on all the nodes in your cluster.
    1. Install the plug-in. For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle 7: yum install yum-plugin-priorities
    2. Edit the /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf file to add the following: [main] enabled=1 gpgcheck=0