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Upgrading Cloudera Manager 7

Steps to upgrade Cloudera Manager.

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)

These topics describes how to upgrade Cloudera Manager to a higher version of Cloudera Manager 7.1 and higher, including major, minor, and maintenance releases. The upgrade procedures use operating system command-line package commands to upgrade Cloudera Manager, and then complete the upgrade using Cloudera Manager.

When you upgrade Cloudera Manager, you use RPM-based package commands to upgrade the software on the Cloudera Manager server host and then Cloudera Manager manages upgrading the Cloudera Manager Agents on the remaining managed hosts. Cloudera Manager can also automatically install some versions of the required JDK on the managed hosts.

Upgrades are not supported between all versions of Cloudera Manager, CDH, or Cloudera Runtime. See Supported Upgrade Paths.

Cloudera Navigator is also upgraded when you upgrade Cloudera Manager 5.x or 6.x. Cloudera Navigator has been replaced by Apache Atlas as of Cloudera Runtime 7.0.3. If you are using Cloudera Manager 7.0.3 or higher to manage CDH clusters, those clusters can continue using Cloudera Navigator.

The Cloudera Manager upgrade process does the following:
  • Upgrades the database schema to reflect the current version.
  • Upgrades the Cloudera Manager Server and all supporting services.
  • Upgrades the Cloudera Manager agents on all hosts.
  • Redeploys client configurations to ensure that client services have the most current configuration.
  • Upgrades Cloudera Navigator (for upgrades to Cloudera Manager 7.1, you can transition Cloudera Navigator to Apache Atlas).
To upgrade Cloudera Manager, you perform the following tasks:
  1. Back up the Cloudera Manager server databases, working directories, and several other entities. These backups can be used to restore your Cloudera Manager deployment if there are problems during the upgrade.
  2. Upgrade the Cloudera Manager server software on the Cloudera Manager host using package commands from the command line (for example, yum on RHEL systems). Cloudera Manager automates much of this process and is recommend for upgrading and managing your CDH/Cloudera Runtime clusters.
  3. Upgrade the Cloudera Manager agent software on all cluster hosts. The Cloudera Manager upgrade wizard can upgrade the agent software (and, optionally, the JDK), or you can install the agent and JDK software manually. The CDH or Cloudera Runtime software is not upgraded during this process.

Upgrading Cloudera Manager does not upgrade CDH/Cloudera Runtime clusters. See Upgrading a Cluster for upgrade procedures.

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