Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Results Tab

Jobs appear on the Results tab, with the most recent at the top. Each job has summary and detail information.

Jobs are ordered with the most recent at the top. Each job has summary and detail information. A job summary includes start and end timestamps, query (if the job is part of a Hive query) name, pool, job type, job ID, and user. For example:

A running job displays a progress bar under the start timestamp:

Use the Actions drop-down menu to the right of each job listing to do the following. (Not all options display, depending on the type of job.)
  • Application Details – Open a details page for the job.
  • Collect Diagnostic Data – Send a YARN application diagnostic bundle to Cloudera support.
  • Similar MR2 Jobs – Display a list of similar MapReduce 2 jobs.
  • User's YARN Applications – Display a list of all jobs run by the user of the current job.
  • View on JobHistory Server – View the application in the YARN JobHistory Server.
  • Kill (running jobs only) – Kill a job (administrators only). Killing a job creates an audit event. When you kill a job, replaces the progress bar.
  • Applications in Hive Query (Hive jobs only)
  • Applications in Oozie Workflow (Oozie jobs only)
  • Applications in Pig Script (Pig jobs only)