Configuring Data Hub and Data Lake ClustersPDF version

Exporting the Cluster Configuration

To create a cluster template, you begin by exporting the configuration from the source cluster. The cluster must be running and managed by Cloudera Manager.

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator) This feature is not available when using Cloudera Manager to manage Data Hub clusters.

By default, Cloudera Manager redacts sensitive information from the exported configuration JSON file. If you need the ability to restore the cluster configuration, you must do one of the following:
  • Disable redaction. The JSON file will contain all the configurations, including sensitive information and can be used to restore the cluster configuration.
  • Replace the redacted information. The JSON will contain the word "REDACTED" where sensitive information was redacted. Replace these values with the correct values before restoring the cluster configuration.
  1. (Optional) If you want to export the configuration without redaction, you can disable redaction by setting a JVM parameter:
    1. Log in the Cloudera Manager server host using ssh.
    2. Edit the /etc/default/cloudera-scm-server file by adding the following property (separate each property with a space) to the line that begins with export CMF_JAVA_OPTS.
      For example:
      export CMF_JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2G -Dcom.cloudera.api.redaction=false"
    3. Restart Cloudera Manager:
      sudo service cloudera-scm-server restart
  2. Any host templates you have created are used to export the configuration. If you do not want to use those templates in the new cluster, delete them. In Cloudera Manager, go to Hosts > Host Templates and click Delete next to the Host Template you want to delete.
  3. Delete any Host Templates created by the Cloudera Manager Installation Wizard. They typically have a name like Template - 1).
  4. Run the following command to download the JSON configuration file to a convenient location for editing:
    curl -u admin_username:admin_user_password
    "http://Cloudera Manager URL/api/v51/clusters/Cluster name/export" >
    For example:
    curl -u adminuser:adminpass "" > myCluster1-template.json