Configuring Data Hub and Data Lake ClustersPDF version

Setting an Advanced Configuration Snippet for a Cluster

How to enter cluster configurations using Advanced Configuration Snippets

Minimum Required Role: Configurator (also provided by Cluster Administrator, Limited Cluster Administrator , and Full Administrator)

  1. To configure a specific cluster, select a cluster from the Home > Status page or Clusters > Cluster name in the left menu. To configure all clusters, start on the Cloudera Manager Home page.
  2. Select Configuration > Advanced Configuration Snippets.
  3. Locate the property you want to configure. (It contains the string Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve).)
    There are two types of Advanced Configuration Snippets: XML, and Environment.
    • XML Advanced Configuration Snippet
      Use either the Snippet editor, or the XML editor:
      • Snippet editor

        Click to add a property. Enter the property name, value, and optional description. To indicate that the property value cannot be overridden by another , select the Final checkbox.

      • XML Editor
        Click the View as XML link to view and edit the XML directly. Enter the property name, value, and optional description as XML elements. To indicate that the property value cannot be overridden, specify <final>true</final>. For example:

      To switch between the editor and text field, click the View Editor and View as XML links at the top right of the snippet row.

    • Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet

      Use either the Snippet editor, or the Text editor:

      • Snippet editor

        Click to add a property and enter the key name and value.

      • Text Editor
        Click the Edit Text link to view and edit the text. Enter the property name and value as name/value pairs. For example:

      To switch between the editor and text field, click the View Editor and View Text links at the top right of the snippet row.

  4. Enter or edit the Reason for change field.
  5. Click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  6. Restart the service or role or redeploy client configurations as indicated.