Configuring an Environment and Deploying a Cluster
The environment defines common settings used with AWS. While creating an environment, you are also prompted to deploy its first cluster.
To add an environment:
- Open Cloudera Director through a web browser using the public IP address you noted in Starting an Instance. For
You are prompted to log in.
- Enter the username and password (default: admin/admin).
- Click Add Environment.
- On the Add Environment page, enter a name in the Environment Name field.
- Select a region from the Region field.
- Enter your keys in the Access key ID and Secret access key fields.
- To make the keys available to the cluster, select the Make access keys available to Hadoop check box.
- Enter the name of the EC2 key pair in the EC2 Public key name field.
- Enter the name of the SSH user in the SSH username field, and copy the SSH private key into the SSH private key field.
- Enter the SSH passphrase in the SSH passphrase field. If the SSH key is not encrypted, leave this blank.
- To assign public IP addresses to instances, select the Associate public IP addresses with instances check box, and then click Continue.
- On the Add Cloudera Manager page, enter a name for the Cloudera Manager in the Cloudera Manager name field. If you want to enable a trial of Cloudera Enterprise, select the Enable Cloudera Enterprise trial check box.
- Select whether to create a new template or use an existing one from the Instance Template list box. If you select Create
New Instance Template, configure the following options:
- Instance Template name - Enter a name for the template.
- Type - select the instance type.
- Amazon Machine Image (AMI) - enter the AMI ID to use for Cloudera Manager.
- Tags - specify one or more tags to associate with the instance.
- Instance Name Prefix - A prefix that Cloudera Director should use when naming the instances (not part of the hostname).
- Root volume size - select the size of the root volume.
- VPC subnet ID - enter the ID of the VPC subnet in which the instance will be located.
- Security group IDs - enter one or more security group IDs with which the instance will be associated.
- Bootstrap script (optional) - enter a Linux bootstrap script. After the instance boots, this script automatically runs. This script can contain anything you need for your environment including libraries, monitoring tools, security configurations, and so on.
- Select whether to override the default Cloudera Manager repository, and click Continue. You are prompted for confirmation; click OK.
- On the Add Cluster page, enter a name for the cluster in the Cluster name field, and select the version of CDH to deploy in the Version field.
- Select the type of cluster to deploy from Services.
- Select the numbers of masters, workers, and gateways to deploy. Then, select an instance template for each, or create new templates.
- When you are finished, click Continue. You are prompted for confirmation; click OK to deploy the cluster.