Configuring an Environment and Deploying a Cluster

The environment defines common settings used with AWS. While creating an environment, you are also prompted to deploy its first cluster.

To add an environment:

  1. Open Cloudera Director through a web browser using the public IP address you noted in Starting an Instance. For example,

    You are prompted to log in.

  2. Enter the username and password (default: admin/admin).
  3. Click Add Environment.
  4. On the Add Environment page, enter a name in the Environment Name field.
  5. Select a region from the Region field.
  6. Enter your keys in the Access key ID and Secret access key fields.
  7. To make the keys available to the cluster, select the Make access keys available to Hadoop check box.
  8. Enter the name of the EC2 key pair in the EC2 Public key name field.
  9. Enter the name of the SSH user in the SSH username field, and copy the SSH private key into the SSH private key field.
  10. Enter the SSH passphrase in the SSH passphrase field. If the SSH key is not encrypted, leave this blank.
  11. To assign public IP addresses to instances, select the Associate public IP addresses with instances check box, and then click Continue.
  12. On the Add Cloudera Manager page, enter a name for the Cloudera Manager in the Cloudera Manager name field. If you want to enable a trial of Cloudera Enterprise, select the Enable Cloudera Enterprise trial check box.
  13. Select whether to create a new template or use an existing one from the Instance Template list box. If you select Create New Instance Template, configure the following options:
    • Instance Template name - Enter a name for the template.
    • Type - select the instance type.
    • Amazon Machine Image (AMI) - enter the AMI ID to use for Cloudera Manager.
    • Tags - specify one or more tags to associate with the instance.
    • Instance Name Prefix - A prefix that Cloudera Director should use when naming the instances (not part of the hostname).
    • Root volume size - select the size of the root volume.
    • VPC subnet ID - enter the ID of the VPC subnet in which the instance will be located.
    • Security group IDs - enter one or more security group IDs with which the instance will be associated.
    • Bootstrap script (optional) - enter a Linux bootstrap script. After the instance boots, this script automatically runs. This script can contain anything you need for your environment including libraries, monitoring tools, security configurations, and so on.
  14. Select whether to override the default Cloudera Manager repository, and click Continue. You are prompted for confirmation; click OK.
  15. On the Add Cluster page, enter a name for the cluster in the Cluster name field, and select the version of CDH to deploy in the Version field.
  16. Select the type of cluster to deploy from Services.
  17. Select the numbers of masters, workers, and gateways to deploy. Then, select an instance template for each, or create new templates.
  18. When you are finished, click Continue. You are prompted for confirmation; click OK to deploy the cluster.