Known Issues in MapReduce and YARN

This topic describes known issues, unsupported features and limitations for using MapReduce and YARN in this release of Cloudera Runtime.

Known Issues

CDPD-4889: Maven builds break and Cloudera Runtime parcel size larger than CDH5.
Workaround: It appears there are more versions of the same jar in Cloudera Runtime at the moment. Plan some time to update maven dependencies yarn app builds and additional disk space for the parcels.
JobHistory URL mismatch after server relocation
After moving the JobHistory Server to a new host, the URLs listed for the JobHistory Server on the ResourceManager web UI still point to the old JobHistory Server. This affects existing jobs only. New jobs started after the move are not affected.
Workaround: For any existing jobs that have the incorrect JobHistory Server URL, there is no option other than to allow the jobs to roll off the history over time. For new jobs, make sure that all clients have the updated mapred-site.xml that references the correct JobHistory Server.
CDH-49165: History link in ResourceManager web UI broken for killed Spark applications
When a Spark application is killed, the history link in the ResourceManager web UI does not work.
Workaround: To view the history for a killed Spark application, see the Spark HistoryServer web UI instead.
CDH-6808: Routable IP address required by ResourceManager
ResourceManager requires routable host:port addresses for yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address, and does not support using the wildcard address.
Workaround: Set the address, in the form host:port, either in the client-side configuration, or on the command line when you submit the job.
CDH-17955: Amazon S3 copy may time out
The Amazon S3 filesystem does not support renaming files, and performs a copy operation instead. If the file to be moved is very large, the operation can time out because S3 does not report progress during the operation.
Workaround: Use -Dmapred.task.timeout=15000000 to increase the MR task timeout.
Apache Issue: MAPREDUCE-972
OPSAPS-52066: Stacks under Logs Directory for Hadoop daemons are not accessible from Knox Gateway.
Stacks under the Logs directory for Hadoop daemons, such as NameNode, DataNode, ResourceManager, NodeManager, and JobHistoryServer are not accessible from Knox Gateway.
Workaround: Administrators can SSH directly to the Hadoop Daemon machine to collect stacks under the Logs directory.
CDPD-2936: Application logs are not accessible in WebUI2 or Cloudera Manager
Application logs cannot be accessed neither in Cloudera Manager or in WebUI2 due to log aggregation.
Workaround: Use the YARN log CLI to access application logs. For example:
yarn logs -applicationId <Application ID>
Apache Issue: YARN-9725
COMPX-8687: Missing access check for getAppAttemps
When the Job ACL feature is enabled using Cloudera Manager (YARN > Configuration > Enablg JOB ACLproperty), the mapreduce.cluster.acls.enabled property is not generated to all configuration files, including the yarn-site.xml configuration file. As a result the ResourceManager process will use the default value of this property. The default property of mapreduce.cluster.acls.enabled is false.
Workaround: Enable the Job ACL feature using an advanced configuration snippet:
  1. In Cloudera Manager select the YARN service.
  2. Click Configuration.
  3. Find the YARN Service MapReduce Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) property.
  4. Click the plus icon and add the following:
    • Name: mapreduce.cluster.acls.enabled
    • Value: true
  5. Click Save Changes.


Capacity Scheduler limitation
  • As Capacity Scheduler is the default scheduler, the Dynamic Resource Pool User Interface is not available by default.
  • Capacity Scheduler can be configured only through safety-valves in Cloudera Manager.

Unsupported Features

The following YARN features are not supported in Cloudera Data Platform.

  • GPU support for Docker
  • Hadoop Pipes
  • Fair Scheduler
  • Application Timeline Server (ATS 2 and ATS 1.5)
  • Container Resizing
  • Distributed or Centralized Allocation of Opportunistic Containers
  • Distributed Scheduling
  • Native Services
  • Pluggable Scheduler Configuration
  • Queue Priority Support
  • Reservation REST APIs
  • Resource Estimator Service
  • Resource Profiles
  • (non-Zookeeper) ResourceManager State Store
  • Shared Cache
  • YARN Federation
  • New Aggregated Log File Format
  • Node Labels
  • Rolling Log Aggregation
  • YARN WebUI v2
  • Docker on YARN (DockerContainerExecutor)
  • Moving jobs between queues
  • Dynamic resource pools