Configuring Cloud Data Access
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Configure ADLS storage locations

After configuring access to ADLS, you can optionally use that ADLS storage account as a base storage location; this storage location is mainly for the Hive Warehouse Directory (used for storing the table data for managed tables).


  1. When creating a cluster, on the Cloud Storage page in the advanced cluster wizard view, select Use existing ADLS storage and enter information related to your ADLS account, as described in the instructions for configuring access to ADLS.
  2. Under Storage Locations, enable Configure Storage Locations by clicking the button.
  3. Provide your existing directory name under Base Storage Location.

    Make sure that the bucket already exists within the account.

  4. Under Path for Hive Warehouse Directory property (hive.metastore.warehouse.dir), Cloudbreak automatically suggests a location within the directory. For example, if the directory that you specified is my-test-dir then the suggested location will be You may optionally update this path or select Do not configure.

    This directory structure will be created in your specified container upon the first activity in Hive.