Configuring Cloud Data Access
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Test access from HDP to S3

To test access to S3 from HDP, SSH to a cluster node and run a few hadoop fs shell commands against your existing S3 bucket.

To tests access to S3 from HDP, SSH to a cluster node and run a few hadoop fs shell commands against your existing S3 bucket.

Amazon S3 access path syntax is:


For example, to access a file called “mytestfile” in a directory called “mytestdir”, which is stored in a bucket called “mytestbucket”, the URL is:


The following FileSystem shell commands demonstrate access to a bucket named “mytestbucket”:

hadoop fs -ls s3a://mytestbucket/
hadoop fs -mkdir s3a://mytestbucket/testDir
hadoop fs -put testFile s3a://mytestbucket/testFile
hadoop fs -cat s3a://mytestbucket/testFile
test file content

For more information about configuring the S3 connector for HDP and working with data stored on S3, refer to Cloud Data Access HDP documentation.