DPS Installation and Setup
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Chapter 8. Reference

Installation Configuration Properties

During installation, you can access the DPS /usr/dp/current/core/bin/config.env.sh file to modify configuration properties.

The following list describes the installation configuration properties that you can set.

Configuration ItemDescriptionDefault Value
USE_EXT_DBSet to yes for pointing to an external Postgres instance, no otherwiseno
DATABASE_URIIf USE_EXT_DB is yes, this must point to the external Database URI 
DATABASE_USERIf USE_EXT_DB is yes, this must point to the DataPlane Admin user name of the external Database URI 
DATABASE_PASSIf USE_EXT_DB is yes, this must point to the DataPlane Admin password of the external Database URI 
SEPARATE_KNOX_CONFIGSet to true if a separate Knox instance is setup on HDP clusters for handling DPS traffic, false otherwisefalse
KNOX_CONFIG_USING_CREDSIf SEPARATE_KNOX_CONFIG is true, when a cluster is registered, we must provide additional information to discover it. This is either using Ambari credentials or explicitly specifying the URL. Set to true if you want to use Ambari credentials, false for URLtrue
CONSUL_HOSTSet to the IP address of the host where DPS containers are launched 
USE_TEST_LDAPSpecifies whether to use an external LDAP instance or connect to a test LDAP instance that comes with the DataPlane Knox container 
USE_TLSSet to true to enable TLS / HTTPS (SSL) 
USE_PROVIDED_CERTIFICATESSet to yes if you have public-private key-pair already generated/issued. Setting to no automatically generates a key-pair for you. 
PUBLIC_KEY_LIf USE_PROVIDED_CERTIFICATES is yes, this must point to the absolute path of public key file 
PRIVATE_KEY_LIf USE_PROVIDED_CERTIFICATES is yes, this must point to the absolute path of encrypted private key file 

dpdeploy.sh Script Command Reference

You use the script dpdeploy.sh to deploy and configure DPS Platform during installation.

To use the tool, change to the directory to /usr/dp/<version>/core/bin and execute as ./dpdeploy.sh <command>

The following table shows the actions that are supported by the script.

CommandOptionsDefault Value
init[ --all ]Initialize and start all containers for the first time
migrate Reset database to its pristine state and run schema migrations on it
utils add-host<ip> <host>Append a single entry to /etc/hosts file of the container interacting with HDP clusters
utils update-user[ ambari / atlas / ranger ]Update user credentials for services that DataPlane will use to connect to clusters
utils reload-apps Restart all containers other than database, Consul and Knox
start[ --all ]Start all containers (existing data is retained)
stop[ --all ]Stop all containers (existing data is retained)
ps List the status of associated docker containers
logs<container_name>Logs of supplied container id or name
destroy[ --all ]Kill all containers and remove them. Needs to start from init again. Deletes all data in the container
load Load all images from ../lib directory into docker daemon
upgrade--from <old_setup_directory>Upgrade existing dp-core to current version
version Print the version of DPS