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Setting Environment Variables

Before beginning the installation instructions, you must set the following environmental variables, using values specific to your deployment.

From the Metron install host, enter the following to define your environment variables:


The Metron install host must be running Supervisor, Kafka Broker, and HBase client.

mysqldbuser=metron – always specify the DB user as metron
mysqldbhost={{ metron install host }} – Where you will be doing the metron install  
mysqldbpasswd={{ metron user mysql password }}
mysql -u $mysqlrootuser -e "CREATE USER '$mysqldbuser'@'$mysqldbhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$mysqldbpasswd';"
mysql -u root -e "CREATE USER '$mysqldbuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$mysqldbpasswd';"
mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '$mysqldbuser'@'$mysqldbhost';"
mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '$mysqldbuser'@'localhost';"
mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '$mysqldbuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$mysqldbpasswd';"
mysql -u root -e "flush privileges;"