5. Install HDP Hadoop Core Packages

Install Hadoop Core packages on the entire cluster using the instructions provided here.

Ensure that you complete the following set-up requirements for NameNode machines:

  • Use the floating IP for the NameNode network location ($DFS_NAME_DIR). Add a DNS entry with a hostname that points to the floating IP address. Use this hostname to specify the NameNode host address.

  • Configure the NameNode data directory as a child of the mounted shared storage directory. For example, if you have the NFS directory mounted at /hdp/hdfs/nn, then the NameNode data directory should be configured to be at the following location: /hdp/hdfs/nn/data.

  • Replicate the above set-up of the NameNode machine on all the machines in your RHEL HA cluster. Ensure that each machine in the RHEL HA cluster has identical HDP packages and add-on libraries.

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