5.1. Configure a vSphere HA cluster

Complete the following configurations to configure your vSphere HA cluster:

 Configure vSphere cluster

To configure vSphere cluster, use the vSphere Management Console and complete the following instructions. (Also see the VMware vSphere documentation.):

  1. Create a vSphere HA cluster.

    • In the vCenter Client, select Inventory -> Hosts and Clusters.

    • In the left column, right-click the Datacenter and select New Cluster.

    This step will create a vSphere HA cluster. (The vSphere HA cluster hosts the NameNode’s VM.)

  2. Configure VM to host the NameNode

    • Within the vSphere HA cluster, create the virtual machine. (This VM will host the NameNode process.)

    • Store the virtual machine disk (VMDK) on the data store located on the shared storage device.

    • Specify the exact machine hardware configurations as required for configuring a physical server for the NameNode process.

      Use the NameNode hardware recommendations available here.

    • Start this virtual machine and configure the network settings. You should now have the IP address and FQDN for the virtual machine.

    • The virtual machine should be present on the same network where the rest of the nodes of your Hadoop cluster are located.

 Configure shared storage

  • Shared storage is required to host both the NameNode data directory and the VM storage contents.

  • Use standard enterprise practices (such as configuring the shared storage to be RAIDed) to ensure that your shared storage is reliable.

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