Complete the following configurations to configure your vSphere HA cluster:
To configure vSphere cluster, use the vSphere Management Console and complete the following instructions. (Also see the VMware vSphere documentation.):
Create a vSphere HA cluster.
In the vCenter Client, select Inventory -> Hosts and Clusters.
In the left column, right-click the Datacenter and select New Cluster.
This step will create a vSphere HA cluster. (The vSphere HA cluster hosts the NameNode’s VM.)
Configure VM to host the NameNode
Within the vSphere HA cluster, create the virtual machine. (This VM will host the NameNode process.)
Store the virtual machine disk (VMDK) on the data store located on the shared storage device.
Specify the exact machine hardware configurations as required for configuring a physical server for the NameNode process.
Use the NameNode hardware recommendations available here.
Start this virtual machine and configure the network settings. You should now have the IP address and FQDN for the virtual machine.
The virtual machine should be present on the same network where the rest of the nodes of your Hadoop cluster are located.
Shared storage is required to host both the NameNode data directory and the VM storage contents.
Use standard enterprise practices (such as configuring the shared storage to be RAIDed) to ensure that your shared storage is reliable.