5. DistCp Data Copy Matrix: HDP1/HDP2 to HDP2

The following table provides a summary of configuration, settings, and results when using DistCp to copy data from HDP1 and HDP2 clusters to HDP2 clusters.

From To Source Configuration Destination Configuration DistCp Should be Run on… Result
HDP 1.3 HDP 2.x insecure + hdfs insecure + webhdfs HDP 1.3 (source) success
HDP 1.3 HDP 2.x secure + hdfs secure + webhdfs HDP 1.3 (source) success
HDP 1.3 HDP 2.x secure + hftp secure + hdfs HDP 2.x (destination) success
HDP 2.0 HDP 2.x secure + hdfs insecure + hdfs secure HDP 2.0 (source) success
HDP 2.0 HDP 2.x secure + hdfs secure + hdfs either HDP 2.0 or HDP 2.x (source or destination) success
HDP 2.0 HDP 2.x secure + hdfs secure + webhdfs HDP 2.0 (source) success
HDP 2.0 HDP 2.x secure + hftp secure + hdfs HDP 2.x (destination) success
HDP 1.3 HDP 2.1 secure + hftp secure + swebhdfs HDP 2.1 (destination) success


For the above table:

  • The term "secure" means that Kerberos security is set up.

  • HDP 2.x means HDP 2.0 and HDP 2.1.

  • hsftp is available in both HDP-1.x and HDP-2.x. It adds https support to hftp.