Hortonworks Data Platform

System Administration Guides



1. ACLs on HDFS
1. Configuring ACLs on HDFS
2. Using CLI Commands to Create and List ACLs
3. ACLs Examples
3.1. Introduction: ACLs Versus Permission Bits
3.2. Example 1: Granting Access to Another Named Group
3.3. Example 2: Using a Default ACL for Automatic Application to New Children
3.4. Example 3: Blocking Access to a Sub-Tree for a Specific User
4. ACLS on HDFS Features
5. Use Cases for ACLs on HDFS
5.1. Multiple Users
5.2. Multiple Groups
5.3. Hive Partitioned Tables
5.4. Default ACLs
5.5. Minimal ACL/Permissions Only
5.6. Block Access to a Sub-Tree for a Specific User
5.7. ACLs with Sticky Bit
2. Capacity Scheduler
1. Introduction
2. Enabling Capacity Scheduler
3. Setting up Queues
4. Controlling Access to Queues with ACLs
5. Managing Cluster Capacity with Queues
6. Setting User Limits
7. Application Reservations
8. Starting and Stopping Queues
9. Setting Application Limits
10. Preemption (Technical Preview)
11. Scheduler User Interface
3. Centralized Cache Management in HDFS
1. Overview
2. Caching Use Cases
3. Caching Architecture
4. Caching Terminology
5. Configuring Centralized Caching
5.1. Native Libraries
5.2. Configuration Properties
5.3. OS Limits
6. Using Cache Pools and Directives
6.1. Cache Pool Commands
6.2. Cache Directive Commands
4. Using DistCp to Copy Files
1. Using DistCp
2. Command Line Options
3. Update and Overwrite
4. DistCp Security Settings
5. DistCp Data Copy Matrix: HDP1/HDP2 to HDP2
6. Copying Data from HDP-2.x to HDP-1.x Clusters
7. DistCp Architecture
7.1. DistCp Driver
7.2. Copy-listing Generator
7.3. InputFormats and MapReduce Components
8. DistCp Frequently Asked Questions
9. Appendix
9.1. Map Sizing
9.2. Copying Between Versions of HDFS
9.3. MapReduce and Other Side-Effects
9.4. SSL Configurations for HSFTP Sources
5. Manually Add Slave Nodes to a HDP Cluster
1. Prerequisites
2. Add Slave Nodes
3. Add HBase RegionServer
6. NameNode High Availability for Hadoop
1. Architecture
2. Hardware Resources
3. Deploy NameNode HA Cluster
3.1. Configure NameNode HA Cluster
3.2. Deploy NameNode HA Cluster
3.3. Deploy Hue with an HA Cluster
3.4. Deploy Oozie with HA Cluster
4. Operating a NameNode HA cluster
5. Configure and Deploy NameNode Automatic Failover
5.1. Prerequisites
5.2. Instructions
5.3. Configuring Oozie Failover
6. Appendix: Administrative Commands
7. ResourceManager High Availability for Hadoop
1. Hardware Resources
2. Deploy ResourceManager HA Cluster
2.1. Configure Manual or Automatic ResourceManager Failover
2.2. Deploy the ResourceManager HA Cluster
2.3. Minimum Settings for Automatic ResourceManager HA Configuration
8. High Availability for Hive Metastore
1. Use Cases and Fail Over Scenarios
2. Software Configuration
2.1. Install HDP
2.2. Update the Hive Metastore
2.3. Validate configuration
9. Highly Available Reads with HBase
1. Understanding HBase Concepts
1.1. Primary and Secondary Regions
1.2. Timeline and Strong Data Consistency
2. Enabling HA Reads for HBase
3. Creating Highly-Available HBase Tables
3.1. Creating HA Tables with the HBase Java API
3.2. Creating HA Tables with the HBase Shell
4. Querying Secondary Region Servers
4.1. Querying HBase with the Java API
4.2. Querying HBase Interactively
5. Monitoring Regions
10. HBase Cluster Capacity and Region Sizing
1. Node Count and JVM Configuration
2. Region Count and Size
2.1. Increase Memstore Size for region server
2.2. Increase Size of the Region
3. Initial Configuration and Tuning
11. Timeline Server (Technical Preview)
1. Introduction
2. Configuring the Timeline Server
3. Configuring Generic Data Collection
4. Configuring Per-Framework Data Collection
5. Running the Timeline Server
6. Accessing Generic Data from the Command-Line
7. Publishing Per-Framework Data in Applications
12. WebHDFS Administrator Guide