Chapter 12. WebHDFS Administrator Guide

Use the following instructions to set upo WebHDFS:

  1. Set up WebHDFS.

    Add the following property to the hdfs-site.xml file:

  2. [Optional] - If running a secure cluster, follow the steps listed below.

    1. Create an HTTP service user principal using the command given below:

      kadmin: addprinc -randkey HTTP/$<Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>@$<Realm_Name>.COM


      • Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name: Host where NameNode is deployed

      • Realm_Name: Name of your Kerberos realm

    2. Create keytab files for the HTTP principals.

      kadmin: xst -norandkey -k /etc/security/spnego.service.keytab HTTP/$<Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
    3. Verify that the keytab file and the principal are associated with the correct service.

      klist –k -t /etc/security/spnego.service.keytab
    4. Add the following properties to the hdfs-site.xml file.



      • Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name: Host where NameNode is deployed

      • Realm_Name: Name of your Kerberos realm

  3. Restart the NameNode and DataNode services using the instructions provided here.