Apache Hadoop
HDP 2.3 provides Apache Hadoop 2.7.1 and the following Apache patches for Hadoop-core, HDFS, and YARN:
HDFS-8008 Support client-side back off when the datanodes are congested.
HDFS-8009 Signal congestion on the DataNode.
YARN-2571 RM to support YARN registry
YARN-3345 Add non-exclusive node label API.
YARN-3365 Enhanced NodeManager to support using the 'tc' tool via container-executor for outbound network traffic control.
YARN-1376 NM need to notify the log aggregation status to RM through heartbeat.
YARN-3348 Add a 'yarn top' tool to help understand cluster usage.
YARN-3347 Improve YARN log command to get AMContainer logs as well as running containers logs.
YARN-3443 Create a 'ResourceHandler' subsystem to ease addition of support for new resource types on the NM.
YARN-3361 CapacityScheduler side changes to support non-exclusive node labels.
YARN-3318 Create Initial OrderingPolicy Framework and FifoOrderingPolicy.
YARN-3326 Support RESTful API for getLabelsToNodes.
YARN-3354 Add node label expression in ContainerTokenIdentifier to support RM recovery.
YARN-1402 Update related Web UI and CLI with exposing client API to check log aggregation status.
YARN-3463 Integrate OrderingPolicy Framework with CapacityScheduler.
YARN-3410 YARN admin should be able to remove individual application records from RMStateStore.
YARN-3225 New parameter of CLI for decommissioning node gracefully in RMAdmin CLI.
YARN-3366 Enhanced NodeManager to support classifying/shaping outgoing network bandwidth traffic originating from YARN containers
YARN-3319 Implement a FairOrderingPolicy.
YARN-2498 Respect labels in preemption policy of capacity scheduler for inter-queue preemption.
YARN-2619 Added NodeManager support for disk IO isolation through cgroups.
YARN-3448 Added a rolling time-to-live LevelDB timeline store implementation.
YARN-3541 Add version info on timeline service / generic history web UI and REST API.
YARN-3505 Node's Log Aggregation Report with SUCCEED should not cached in RMApps.
HADOOP-10597 RPC Server signals backoff to clients when all request queues are full.
YARN-1880 Cleanup TestApplicationClientProtocolOnHA
YARN-3243 CapacityScheduler should pass headroom from parent to children to make sure ParentQueue obey its capacity limits.
YARN-3356 Capacity Scheduler FiCaSchedulerApp should use ResourceUsage to track used-resources-by-label.
YARN-2868 FairScheduler: Metric for latency to allocate first container for an application.
YARN-3397 yarn rmadmin should skip -failover.
YARN-2495 Allow admin specify labels from each NM (Distributed configuration for node label).
YARN-3248 Display count of nodes blacklisted by apps in the web UI.
YARN-2901 Add errors and warning metrics page to RM, NM web UI.
YARN-3294 Allow dumping of Capacity Scheduler debug logs via web UI for a fixed time period.
YARN-3293 Track and display capacity scheduler health metrics in web UI.
YARN-3394 Enrich WebApplication proxy documentation.
YARN-3404 Display queue name on application page.
YARN-2696 Queue sorting in CapacityScheduler should consider node label.
YARN-3451 Display attempt start time and elapsed time on the web UI.
YARN-3494 Expose AM resource limit and usage in CS QueueMetrics.
YARN-3503 Expose disk utilization percentage and bad local and log dir counts in NM metrics.
YARN-3511 Add errors and warnings page to ATS.
YARN-3406 Display count of running containers in the RM's Web UI.
YARN-3593 Add label-type and Improve "DEFAULT_PARTITION" in Node Labels Page.
YARN-3362 Add node label usage in RM CapacityScheduler web UI.
YARN-3565 NodeHeartbeatRequest/RegisterNodeManagerRequest should use NodeLabel object instead of String.
YARN-3583 Support of NodeLabel object instead of plain String in YarnClient side.
YARN-3581 Deprecate -directlyAccessNodeLabelStore in RMAdminCLI.
YARN-3700 Made generic history service load a number of latest applications according to the parameter or the configuration.
HDFS-27 HDFS CLI with --config set to default config complains log file not found error.
HDFS-7890 Improve information on Top users for metrics in RollingWindowsManager and lower log level.
HDFS-8229 LAZY_PERSIST file gets deleted after NameNode restart.
HDFS-8276 LazyPersistFileScrubber should be disabled if scrubber interval configured zero.
HDFS-8152 Refactoring of lazy persist storage cases.
HDFS-8144 Split TestLazyPersistFiles into multiple tests.
HDFS-8219 setStoragePolicy with folder behavior is different after cluster restart.
HDFS-8232 Missing datanode counters when using Metrics2 sink interface.
HDFS-8205 CommandFormat#parse() should not parse option as value of option.
HDFS-8211 DataNode UUID is always null in the JMX counter.
HDFS-7990 IBR delete ack should not be delayed.
HDFS-7645 Fix CHANGES.txt
HDFS-7645 Rolling upgrade is restoring blocks from trash multiple times
HDFS-8055 NullPointerException when topology script is missing.
HDFS-7933 fsck should also report decommissioning replicas.
HDFS-6666 Abort NameNode and DataNode startup if security is enabled but block access token is not enabled.
HADOOP-11859 PseudoAuthenticationHandler fails with httpcomponents v4.4.
HDFS-7701 Support reporting per storage type quota and usage with hadoop/hdfs shell.
HADOOP-7713 dfs -count -q should label output column
HDFS-8008 Support client-side back off when the datanodes are congested.
HDFS-8009 Signal congestion on the DataNode.
YARN-3305 Normalize AM resource request on app submission.
YARN-3269 Yarn.nodemanager.remote-app-log-dir could not be configured to fully qualified path.
YARN-3383 AdminService should use "warn" instead of "info" to log exception when operation fails.
YARN-3425 NPE from RMNodeLabelsManager.serviceStop when NodeLabelsManager.serviceInit failed.
YARN-3435 AM container to be allocated Appattempt AM container shown as null.
YARN-2666 TestFairScheduler.testContinuousScheduling fails Intermittently.
YARN-3110 Few issues in ApplicationHistory web UI.
YARN-3459 Fix failure of TestLog4jWarningErrorMetricsAppender.
YARN-3266 RMContext#inactiveNodes should have NodeId as map key.
YARN-3136 Fixed a synchronization problem of AbstractYarnScheduler#getTransferredContainers.
YARN-3387 Previous AM's container completed status couldn't pass to current AM if AM and RM restarted during the same time.
YARN-3530 ATS throws exception on trying to filter results without otherinfo.
YARN-2740 Fix NodeLabelsManager to properly handle node label modifications when distributed node label configuration enabled.
YARN-3517 RM web UI for dumping scheduler logs should be for admins only
YARN-3343 Increased TestCapacitySchedulerNodeLabelUpdate#testNodeUpdate timeout.
YARN-2821 Fixed a problem that DistributedShell AM may hang if restarted.
YARN-3654 ContainerLogsPage web UI should not have meta-refresh.
YARN-3552 RM Web UI shows -1 running containers for completed apps
YARN-3580 [JDK8] TestClientRMService.testGetLabelsToNodes fails.
YARN-3707 RM Web UI queue filter doesn't work.
YARN-3632 Ordering policy should be allowed to reorder an application when demand changes.
YARN-3740 Fixed the typo in the configuration name: APPLICATION_HISTORY_PREFIX_MAX_APPS.