HDP-2.3.2 Release Notes
Also available as:

Fixed Issues

Fixed issues represents selected issues that were previously logged via Hortonworks Support, but are now addressed in the current release. These issues may have been reported in previous versions within the Known Issues section; meaning they were reported by customers or identified by Hortonworks Quality Engineering team.

Potential Data Loss


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA


HiveBUG-42935HIVE-11607Fix and backport HIVE-11607 for 2.3-maint (Export tables broken for data > 32 MB)
StormBUG-42792STORM-960While using a storm/hive/bolt to populate an ACID ORC table, it causes data loss and scan jobs fails with 'java.io.EOFException' error



Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA


HDFSBUG-43223HDFS-8155Support OAuth2 in WebHDFS
KafkaBUG-42312 Kafka GetOffsetShell doesn't work in Kerberos Environment

Incorrect Results


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA


HiveBUG-44508HIVE-11839Vectorization wrong results with filter of (CAST AS CHAR)
HiveBUG-43168HIVE-11605Hive + Tez: map side join giving different query results
KnoxBUG-44504KNOX-598Concurrent JDBC clients via KNOX to Kerberized HiveServer2 - causes HTTP 401 error (due to Kerberos Replay attack error)
RangerBUG-43030RANGER-615Exceptions related to XA secure audit record - cloned for Grainger



Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA


AccumuloBUG-43482ACCUMULO-3957Accumulo monitor's getContentSummary calls may cause NN pauses
FalconBUG-40941FALCON-1373Hive DR not work on destination cluster
HBaseBUG-42155HBASE-14196Thrift server connection idle timeout issue
HCatalog, HiveBUG-41418HIVE-11317ACID: Improve transaction Abort logic due to timeout
HDFSBUG-43896HDFS-8797WebHdfsFileSystem creates too many connections for pread
HDFSBUG-43306HDFS-8809HDFS fsck reports under construction blocks as "CORRUPT"
HDFSBUG-43657HDFS-8995Flaw in registration bookkeeping can make DN die on reconnect
HiveBUG-34774HIVE-10231Compute partition column stats fails if partition col type is date
HiveBUG-43270HIVE-10651ORC : OrcProto$StripeStatistics cache grows causing severe GC in Application master
KafkaBUG-42865 Customer upgrade resulted in java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/hdp/ (No such file or directory)
SqoopBUG-41537SQOOP-2387NPE during sqoop import when column contains a special character
StormBUG-41546STORM-951Storm Hive Bolt leaking a transaction for every txnBatch
TezBUG-43220TEZ-2745ClassNotFound in InputInitializer causes AM to crash

Query Failure


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA


HiveBUG-44673HIVE-11193query plan fails, tez dynamic partition pruning "fail to find child from parent " in this case (left outer join union all with constant on different data types)
HiveBUG-43315HIVE-11344While reading table using hive HCatalog api throws null pointer exception.
HiveBUG-42919HIVE-11606bucket mapjoin error "capacity must be power of two" when #rows < #buckets
Hive, TezBUG-41584HIVE-11356Error thrown when Empty tables and SMB (OUTER) JOINs are used
HueBUG-44101 When accessing a Table which has more than 4K columns, Beeswax and HCatalog fails to get the content and results in error





Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA


HDFSBUG-43767HDFS-8180AbstractFileSystem Implementation for WebHdfs
HDFSBUG-43225HDFS-8435Support CreateFlag in WebHdfs
HiveBUG-43159HIVE-11581HS2 URL parameters should be stored in zookeeper
HiveBUG-42834HIVE-11658Load data inpath fails with SemanticException when used with ORC files
PhoenixBUG-43284Phoenix-2031Unable to process timestamp data loaded via Phoenix org.apache.phoenix.pig.PhoenixHBaseLoader
PhoenixBUG-41321Phoenix-1659Backport Phoenix-1659 to 2.3.x maintenance
RangerBUG-43276RANGER-628RangerAuthenticationProvider is using anonymous bind for search when credentials are specified
RangerBUG-43313RANGER-638Ranger admin should redirect back to login page when login cookies are no longer valid
SparkBUG-42252SPARK-6918Secure HBase with Kerberos does not work over YARN
StormBUG-41859STORM-512KafkaBolt doesn't handle ticks properly
StormBUG-43462STORM-833, STORM-848Build same version of slf4j-api and log4j-over-slf4j
StormBUG-43141STORM-848Clean up dependencies and shade as much as possible
StormBUG-42794STORM-938Add an option to the storm hive-bolt to flush at a certain interval



Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA


HDFSBUG-42941HDFS-8826Balancer may not move blocks efficiently in some cases.
HiveBUG-43118HIVE-6727table fast stats numFiles, totalSize set to 0 when table has non-default location
PigBUG-44276PIG-4679Drastic performance degradation due to InputSizeReducerEstimator since PIG-3754
RangerBUG-41359RANGER-591CLONE - UserSync process performance issue due to user group cache inconsistency.



Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA


AccumuloBUG-42799ACCUMULO-3890Use of CredentialProvider results in a lot of NameNode operations
HDFSBUG-42942HDFS-8278HDFS Balancer should consider remaining storage % when checking for under-utilized machines.
HDFSBUG-43786HDFS-8542WebHDFS getHomeDirectory behavior does not match specification
HDFSBUG-41192HDFS-8767HDFS listStatus on Unix pipe file fails with NPE (hive and other components can not use it)
HDFSBUG-43227HDFS-8885ByteRangeInputStream used in webhdfs does not override available()
HDFSBUG-43787HDFS-8939Test(S)WebHdfsFileContextMainOperations failing on branch-2
HiveBUG-42396HIVE-11442commons-configuration-1.6.jar is backwards incompatible and regressive