HDP-2.3.2 Release Notes
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HDP 2.3.2 provides HBase 1.1.2 and the following Apache patches:

  • HBASE-14258 Make region_mover.rb script case insensitive with regard to hostname

  • HBASE-14258 Make region_mover.rb script case insensitive with regard to hostname

  • HBASE-14269 FuzzyRowFilter omits certain rows when multiple fuzzy key exist

  • HBASE-14302 TableSnapshotInputFormat should not create back references when restoring snapshot

  • HBASE-14313 After a Connection sees ConnectionClosingException it never recovers

  • HBASE-14449 Rewrite deadlock prevention for concurrent connection close

  • HBASE-14474 DeadLock in RpcClientImpl.Connection.close()

HDP 2.3.0 provided HBase 1.1.1 and the following Apache patches:

  • HBASE-11658 Piped commands to HBase shell should return non-zero if shell command failed

  • HBASE-11940 Add utility scripts for snapshotting / restoring all tables in cluster