HDP-2.3.2 Release Notes
Also available as:

Known Issues

Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA



BUG-28296STORM-642StormBenchmarking for trident filter and join
BUG-28297STORM-642StormBenchmarking for trident sliding windows and enrichment
BUG-28298STORM-642Stormbenchmarking for storm core watchlist type filter
BUG-28448KNOX-474KnoxImproved Kerberos config validation and diagnostics at startup
BUG-28904SLIDER-713SliderBUG-14598 Implement the cluster flex operation via REST
BUG-28905SLIDER-714SliderBUG-14598 Expose REST view of containers/component instances with DELETE operation
BUG-28907SLIDER-716SliderBUG-14598 Offer REST upgrade operation
BUG-28908SLIDER-717SliderBUG-14598 Migrate slider client to slider REST API
BUG-28909SLIDER-170SliderBUG-14598 Migrate slider client to REST YarnClient implementation
BUG-28910SLIDER-718SliderBUG-14598 Slider client to support remote file operations via WebHDFS
BUG-28914SLIDER-720SliderBUG-14598 Slider client to switch to YARN Registry REST API
BUG-29589STORM-676IOT, StormSliding Time Windows
BUG-29603STORM-650StormKafka Spout/Bolt rewrite! , support for Kafka 0.8.2 as it breaks backward compatibility for consumers
BUG-31629TEZ-2086TezTEZ-UI Support Task/TaskAttempt level log
BUG-32936FALCON-1111FalconAdd a new Java action in the process workflow start to update Graph DB
BUG-34711HIVE-10939HiveBUG-31340 Hive 2.3.x UT (Windows): ORC failures
BUG-35363 Hiventile (order by ) fails of java array limit when column values more 2,147,483,647
BUG-36632HBASE-13832, HBASE-8510HDFSAfter Rolling Upgrade From HDP 2.2 to 2.3 HBase Master Goes Down
BUG-36817HBASE-13330, HBASE-13647HBasetest_IntegrationTestRegionReplicaReplication[IntegrationTestRegionReplicaReplication] fails with READ FAILURES
BUG-37012RANGER-526RangerProvide REST API to change user role
BUG-38046 SparkSpark ATS is missing Kill event
BUG-38054RANGER-577Rangerranger should not change hive config if authorization is disabled
BUG-38299CALCITE-645PhoenixIn case of query failures phoenix query server exception/error message details are not propagated to sqlline-thin.py/client
BUG-38471HDFS-8512HDFSStorage type inside LocatedBlock object is not fully exposed for GETFILESTATUS
BUG-38980HBASE-14223HBaseMeta WALs are not split or cleared
BUG-39160SPARK-8275SparkSpark History Server will not updated incomplete applications once viewed
BUG-39265OOZIE-2311OozieNPE in oozie logs while running feed replication tests causes jobs to fail.
BUG-39338 SparkIpython pyspark does not work on SUSE 11.3
BUG-39344PHOENIX-1993PhoenixPhoenix is raising nullPointerExceptions on queries.
BUG-39424YARN-2194YARNNM fails to come with error "Not able to enforce CPU weights; cannot write to cgroup" [Cgroups]
BUG-39463AMBARI-12445Rangerranger-admin and ranger-usersync scripts missing in /etc/init.d when installed through ambari.
BUG-39615HIVE-11036HiveHive query got stuck as HS2 server throwing "java.io.IOException: Incomplete HDFS URI, no host: hdfs://NAMENODE_HOSTNAME:8020/ranger/audit/hiveServer2/..."
BUG-39796SPARK-7889SparkSpark HistoryServer caches incomplete App UIs
BUG-39823 HDFSRestart NFSGateway is failed After changing fs.defaultFS default value at webhdfs://Host_name:50070 (Secured cluster)
BUG-39988HIVE-11110HiveCBO : Default partition filter is from MetaStore query causing TPC-DS to regress by 3x
BUG-40313HIVE-11068HiveHive : OOM in Hive client during plan generation, regression introduced by HIVE-10940
BUG-40481AMBARI-12436Ambari, FalconFalcon service check failed / daemon crashed during RU
BUG-40682SLIDER-909AmbariSlider HBase app package fails in secure cluster with wire-encryption on
BUG-40722 KafkaAbility to catch and deal with OffsetOutOfRangeException
BUG-40883HADOOP-10027Hadoop CommonBackport libhadoop.so zlib SEGV fix
BUG-41038SLIDER-777Slider, YAaS

Provide slider dependencies as a self contained versioned tarball

BUG-41151 HDP / Stack, HueHDP version not displaying in Hue post upgrade
BUG-41366 HueHue by default is using spawning instead of cherrypy
BUG-41369 HDP / Stack, HueHDP version not displayed on centos6, Hadoop version displayed is incorrect
BUG-41606 YARNAM Container link in YARN RM UI links to a 404 page after application completion
BUG-41621 HDFSHDFS: Track DFSClient name in hdfs-audit.log
BUG-42072PHOENIX-2067, PHOENIX-2120PhoenixBackport PHOENIX-2067 and PHOENIX-2120
BUG-42569HIVE-10022Hive'create database [db_name] location /tmp/[db_name].db' via beeline throws [hrt_qa] does not have [WRITE] privilege although hive.server2.enable.doAs=false when Ranger or StdAuth is on.
BUG-42608 Hiveno logging about progress in moveTask, during long time of large partitioned table loading
BUG-42681 HCatalog, PigHCatStorer does not store full result of union unless preceded by reducer operation
BUG-42828 Hivemulti-insert fails with merge tasks when hive.exec.parallel=true
BUG-42880 KnoxKnox performance improvements under load
BUG-43057AMBARI-12844Ambari, Rangerafter enabling SSL for ranger plugin Quick link is not loading on Ambari UI
BUG-43391AMBARI-12403YARNUnable to submit application to YARN from external client on Kerberos-enabled cluster
BUG-43655 Hadoop Commonhadoop cassini UT failure
BUG-43691HIVE-11713HiveMap instances with null keys are not written unless table file format is ORC.
BUG-43699TEZ-2768TezLog a useful error message when the summary stream cannot be closed when shutting down an AM
BUG-43711 KafkaKafkaBroker should handle disk failures for log.dir gracefully
BUG-43982 MapReduce, YARNYarn application logs are showing the following error after upgrade.
BUG-44016 StormStorm Nimbus and DRPC Server die with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
BUG-44038HIVE-11762HiveTestHCatLoaderEncryption failures in 2.3-maint: DFSClient.setKeyProvider() signature changed between Hadoop 2.6 and 2.7
BUG-44103 StormStorm Nimbus and DRPC Server die with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Oozie-Hive test fail due to JDBC not using the delegation token provided by the client

Workaround: Specify an HS2 URL directly when using Oozie.

BUG-44153HDFS-9046HDFSAny Error during BPOfferService run can leads to Missing DN (HDFS-9046)
BUG-44157RANGER-629Hive[Ranger][hive] security issue with hive & ranger for import table command
BUG-44166HIVE-5277HiveBackport HIVE-5277(HBase handler skips rows with null valued first cells when only row key is selected)
BUG-44191 HBase, Slidertest_runintegrationtestzkandfspermissions failed on HBase-Slider
BUG-44253RANGER-656RangerRanger UI - KMS Need to handle 404 error when click on breadcrumb
BUG-44378 RangerRanger-Solr: Issue with Mapping Principals to user names "solr"
BUG-44382 Hivewrong results: non-mapjoin with auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask=false and hive.optimize.reducededuplication=true wrong plan for join followed with group by
BUG-44385RANGER-643RangerAudit page: filter by Tags column does not work
BUG-44386RANGER-644RangerUpdate Solr audit source/destination to support 'Tags' field
BUG-44388RANGER-645RangerTag DB Store should be available in all supported DB flavors
BUG-44390HIVE-11831, HIVE-11833HiveHive Server2 concurrency tests failing on Oracle 12 with error "ORA-08177: can't serialize access for this transaction"
BUG-44392RANGER-658Rangermake ranger_credential_helper.py available in usersync dir
BUG-44426HIVE-11915HiveHS2LongRunning: 'create table' fail intermittently as it failed to acquire locks
BUG-44489HIVE-11892HiveLocal fetch task does not work with UDTF
BUG-44505 Tez[Tez View] Dags do not get updated without hitting refresh
BUG-44506AMBARI-13138Ambari, RangerRanger installed with HDP 2.2 doesn't handle alerts when http, HTTPS ports value are changed
BUG-44646HIVE-11935HiveHS2LongRunningHTTP: Describe table intermittently throws NPE
BUG-44739 PhoenixStill having problems after fixing "Duplicate Column Name" error when creating new table
BUG-44837HIVE-11902HiveAbort txn cleanup thread throws SyntaxErrorException
BUG-44928 Kafka, Stormneed to include storm-kafka- in the storm/lib sub-directory

HBase replication in TDE clusters fails with NullPointerException. Replication live tails the active WAL of the region server that is writing the WAL files. Due to a bug in handling EOF in decoding cells from the WAL files, a NPE can be observed.

Workaround: Replication and async WAL replication for region replicas cannot be used together with HDFS TDE.

BUG-45054TEZ-2398TezSometime faulttolerance test application is sometimes hanging
BUG-45083 HCatalog, PigMore than 66 columns breaks MR but not tez (Pig HCat)
BUG-45108RANGER-664RangerPolicyRefresher connection and read timeout should be configurable
BUG-45118HADOOP-11618, HADOOP-12304Falcon, Oozie(Patch) When WASB is set as default FS then oozie service check fails
BUG-45181 RangerRanger does validations on group names while reading group_users that are not enforced during letting the groups into the system
BUG-45190 Slider

HBase Slider App Creation issue

Creation/start of a Slider application via the Ambari Slider view might fail with the following error in the AM log:

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder.uri(Ljava/lang/String;)

Workaround: Perform the following:

  1. Stop and start the application again from the Ambari Slider view.

    Stop and start might have to be attempted couple of times. If this works, ignore all additional steps below.

  2. If Step 1 fails: stop the application from the Ambari Slider view.

  3. Find the user that was set as the value of the property slider.user in the Ambari Slider view.

  4. Log in to a host which has Slider client installed.

  5. Run slider start <app_name> from the command line (which was found in step 3).

BUG-45236 Upgrade

If a downgrade is made to HDP 2.2.8.x , the VERSION table in metastore rdbms needs to be updated to set the version to 0.14.0:

  • MySQL:

    UPDATE VERSION SET SCHEMA_VERSION='1.2.0', VERSION_COMMENT='Hive release version 1.2.0' where VER_ID=1;
    SELECT 'Finished setting MetaStore schema to 1.2.0' AS ' ';
    UPDATE VERSION SET SCHEMA_VERSION='0.14.0', VERSION_COMMENT='Hive release version 0.14.0' where VER_ID=1;
    SELECT 'Finished setting MetaStore schema to 0.14.0' AS ' ';
  • Postgres:

    UPDATE "VERSION" SET "SCHEMA_VERSION"='1.2.0', "VERSION_COMMENT"='Hive release version 1.2.0' where "VER_ID"=1;
    SELECT 'Finished setting MetaStore schema to 1.2.0';
    UPDATE "VERSION" SET "SCHEMA_VERSION"='0.14.0', "VERSION_COMMENT"='Hive release version 0.14.0' where "VER_ID"=1;
    SELECT 'Finished setting MetaStore schema to 0.14.0';
  • Oracle:

    UPDATE VERSION SET SCHEMA_VERSION='1.2.0', VERSION_COMMENT='Hive release version 1.2.0' where VER_ID=1;
    SELECT 'Finished upgrading MetaStore schema to 1.2.0' AS Status from dual;
    UPDATE VERSION SET SCHEMA_VERSION='0.14.0', VERSION_COMMENT='Hive release version 0.14.0' where VER_ID=1;
    SELECT 'Finished upgrading MetaStore schema to 0.14.0' AS Status from dual;
  • azuredb:

    UPDATE [dbo].[VERSION] SET SCHEMA_VERSION='1.2.0', VERSION_COMMENT='Hive release version 1.2.0' where VER_ID=1;
    SELECT 'Finished upgrading MetaStore schema to 1.2.0' AS MESSAGE;
    UPDATE [dbo].[VERSION] SET SCHEMA_VERSION='0.14.0', VERSION_COMMENT='Hive release version 0.14.0' where VER_ID=1;
    SELECT 'Finished upgrading MetaStore schema to 0.14.0' AS MESSAGE;
  • mssql:

    UPDATE VERSION SET SCHEMA_VERSION='1.2.0', VERSION_COMMENT='Hive release version 1.2.0' where VER_ID=1;
    SELECT 'Finished upgrading MetaStore schema to 1.2.0' AS MESSAGE;
    UPDATE VERSION SET SCHEMA_VERSION='0.14.0', VERSION_COMMENT='Hive release version 0.14.0' where VER_ID=1;
    SELECT 'Finished upgrading MetaStore schema to 0.14.0' AS MESSAGE;

If an upgrade is being performed after a downgrade to HDP 2.2.8.x, and the above instructions have been run, the VERSION table in metastore rdbms should be changed to 1.2.0 before the upgrade is performed.

BUG-45664 KafkaMemory leak in Kafka Broker caused by leak in instance of ConcurrentHashMap/socketContainer
BUG-45688KAFKA-2012KafkaKafka index file corruption

When configuring the Ranger HBase plugin in a Kerberized Environment, it may be necessary to add an auth-to-local property to the plugin in order for the Test Connection button to work properly.

The connection test can fail with the error Illegal Principal name even though the principal for the Ranger repository config user is correct and working.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Log in to the Ranger Admin UI.

  2. Locate the HBase plugin and click Edit.

  3. In the Add New Configurations section of the Edit Service page, add a hadoop.security.auth_to_local rule and include only one rule that matches the Ranger Repository Config User.

    For example, if the config user principal is 'hbaseuser@AD.EXAMPLE.COM', then the rule will look like this: RULE:1:$1@$0(hbaseuser@EXAMPLE.COM)s/.*/hbaseuser/.

  4. Save the configuration and attempt to click Test Connection again.

BUG-46214 SparkSparkR - SparkR is missing from our package in Spark 1.4.1; it will be made available in an upcoming maintenance release of HDP 2.3.x.
BUG-46823 KnoxKNOX_GATEWAY START was failed when NN HA was enabling
BUG-50531 Kafka

Kafka file system support

Issue: Encrypted file systems such as SafenetFS are not supported for Kafka. Index file corruption can occur.

For more information, see: Install Kafka.

BUG-55196HIVE-12937HiveDbNotificationListener unable to clean up old notification events
Technical Service BulletinApache JIRAApache ComponentSummary

Impact of LDAP Channel Binding and LDAP signing changes in Microsoft Active Directory

Microsoft has introduced changes in LDAP Signing and LDAP Channel Binding to increase the security for communications between LDAP clients and Active Directory domain controllers. These optional changes will have an impact on how 3rd party products integrate with Active Directory using the LDAP protocol.


Disable LDAP Signing and LDAP Channel Binding features in Microsoft Active Directory if they are enabled

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB-2021 405: Impact of LDAP Channel Binding and LDAP signing changes in Microsoft Active Directory


CVE-2020-9492 Hadoop filesystem bindings (ie: webhdfs) allows credential stealing

WebHDFS clients might send SPNEGO authorization header to remote URL without proper verification. A maliciously crafted request can trigger services to send server credentials to a webhdfs path (ie: webhdfs://…) for capturing the service principal

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB-2021 406: CVE-2020-9492 Hadoop filesystem bindings (ie: webhdfs) allows credential stealing

TSB-434HADOOP-17208, HADOOP-17304Hadoop

KMS Load Balancing Provider Fails to invalidate Cache on Key Delete

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2020-434: KMS Load Balancing Provider Fails to invalidate Cache on Key Delete


Corruption of HBase data stored with MOB feature

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2021-465: Corruption of HBase data stored with MOB feature on upgrade from CDH 5 and HDP 2


CVE-2021-27905: Apache Solr SSRF vulnerability with the Replication handler

The Apache Solr ReplicationHandler (normally registered at "/replication" under a Solr core) has a "masterUrl" (also "leaderUrl" alias) parameter. The “masterUrl” parameter is used to designate another ReplicationHandler on another Solr core to replicate index data into the local core. To help prevent the CVE-2021-27905 SSRF vulnerability, Solr should check these parameters against a similar configuration used for the "shards" parameter.

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2021-497: CVE-2021-27905: Apache Solr SSRF vulnerability with the Replication handler


HBase MOB data loss

HBase tables with the MOB feature enabled may encounter problems which result in data loss.

For more information on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2021-512: HBase MOB data loss