HDP 2.3.2 provided Phoenix 4.4.0-HBase-1.1 and the following Apache patches:
PHOENIX-1659 PHOENIXDatabaseMetaData.getColumns does not return REMARKS column.
PHOENIX-2074 StackOverflowError with RoundRobinResultIterator.
PHOENIX-2096 Tweak criteria for when round robin iterator is used.
PHOENIX-1978 UDF ArgumentTypeMismatchException.
PHOENIX-2011 Default, min, and max values should not require quotes around it in create function.
PHOENIX-2151 Two different UDFs called on same column return values from first UDF only.
PHOENIX-2022 should be abstract.
PHOENIX-2073 Two bytes character in LIKE expression is not allowed.
PHOENIX-2131 CastParseNode.toSQL omits closing parenthesis.
PHOENIX-2066 Existing client fails initialization due to upgrade attempting to create column with no name.
PHOENIX-2075 MR integration uses single mapper unless table is salted.
PHOENIX-2254 zookeeper.znode.parent value is not taking affect in MR integration job.
HDP 2.3.0 provided Phoenix 4.4.0-HBase-1.1 and the following Apache patches:
PHOENIX-1976 Exit gracefully if addShutdownHook fails.
PHOENIX-1980 CsvBulkLoad cannot load hbase-site.xml from classpath
PHOENIX-1995 client uberjar doesn't support dfs
PHOENIX-1996 Use BytesStringer instead of ZeroCopyByteString
PHOENIX-2005 Connection utilities omit zk client port, parent znode
PHOENIX-2005 Connection utilities omit zk client port, parent znode (addendum)
PHOENIX-2007 java.sql.SQLException: Encountered exception in sub plan [0] execution'
PHOENIX-2010 Properly validate number of arguments passed to the functions in FunctionParseNode#validate
PHOENIX-2012 RowKeyComparisonFilter logs unencoded data at DEBUG level
PHOENIX-2013 Apply PHOENIX-1995 to runnable uberjar as well
PHOENIX-2027 Queries with Hints are raising IllegalStateException
PHOENIX-2032 is broken after PHOENIX-2013
PHOENIX-2033 PQS log environment details on launch
PHOENIX-914 Native HBase timestamp support to optimize date range queries in Phoenix
PHOENIX-2031 Unable to process timestamp/Date data loaded via PHOENIX org.apache.PHOENIX.pig.PHOENIXHBaseLoader.
PHOENIX-2181 HPOENIXHBaseLoader doesn't work with salted tables.
PHOENIX-2063 Row value constructor doesn't work when used in COUNT.
PHOENIX-1395 ResultSpooler spill files are left behind in /tmp folder.