Command Line Upgrade
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Configure and Start Hue


The su commands in this section use keywords to represent the Service user. For example, "hdfs" is used to represent the HDFS Service user. If you are using another name for your Service users, you need to substitute your Service user name in each of the su commands.

For HDP 2.5.3, use the Hue version shipped with HDP 2.5.3. If you have a previous version of Hue, use the following steps to upgrade Hue.

Complete one of the following:

  • SQLite

    1. Copy the hue.ini settings from your old hue.ini configuration file to new hue.ini configuration file.

    2. Restore your database after upgrade.

      To restore the database from a backup, make sure the destination database is empty before copying (if necessary, rename or remove the current destination database), then copy your backup to the destination database. For example:

      su - hue
      cd /var/lib/hue
      mv desktop.db desktop.db.old 
      sqlite3 desktop.db < ~/hue_backup/desktop.bak
    3. Synchronize database.

      cd /usr/lib/hue
      source ./build/env/bin/activate
      hue syncdb
      hue migrate
    4. Start Hue. As a root user, run the following command on the Hue Server:

      /etc/init.d/hue start

  • MySQL

    1. Copy the hue.ini settings from your old hue.ini configuration file to new hue.ini configuration file.

    2. Start Hue. As a root user, run the following command on the Hue Server:

      /etc/init.d/hue start