This release provides Ranger 0.7.0 and the following Apache patches:
RANGER-1402: NPE if there is a problem with the HiveClient driverClassName.
RANGER-1403: There is a problem in buildks class when delete invalid keystore file.
RANGER-1408: When the error occurs, the system does not record the error message in RangerServiceService class.
RANGER-1446: Ranger Solr Plugin does not work when the collection list in the request is empty.
RANGER-1489: Solr plugin fails to get client address.
RANGER-1491: Add Ability in Usersync to automatically assign ADMIN/KEYADMIN role in Ranger for external users.
RANGER-1492: UI updates to support tag-based masking policies.
RANGER-1493: Policy engine updates to support tag-based datamasking and rowfiltering policies.
RANGER-1494: Policy engine updates to support tag-based masking policies.
RANGER-1494: Tag service-def updates to support masking and row-filter policies.
RANGER-1501: Audit Flush to HDFS does not actually cause the audit logs to be flushed to HDFS.
RANGER-1502: Solr shutdown does not cause the audit log file to be flushed and closed.
RANGER-1505: Remove KeyProtector code in KMS.
RANGER-1555: Ranger UI Audit Menu-> Admin tab diff view pop-up does not come up..
RANGER-1580: Update Kafka tests to work with
RANGER-1582: Support KNOX SSO Token based authentication on Ranger REST API calls.
RANGER-1628: Good coding practice suggested by static code analysis.
RANGER-1638: Atlas metadata server start failure.
RANGER-1638: Improve the password validation from Ranger API.
RANGER-1639: Ranger KMS should validate key name before importing into DB.
RANGER-1642: Policies listed on 2nd page and onwards of Policy Landing page don't reflect any edits on them.
RANGER-1647: Allow Ranger policy conditions to use tag attributes and values in Ranger.
RANGER-1648: Ranger Kafka Plugin now should use the Short name from Kafka Session Object.
RANGER-1649: Ranger Solr Plugin fails to refresh policy due to failure in ticket renewal mechanism.
RANGER-1651: Improve Ranger and Ranger KMS REST API documentation.
RANGER-1653: Proxying Ranger UI does not work with Ranger-KnoxSSO.
RANGER-1658: Solr gives NPE while printing the AuthorizationContext in INFO and DEBUG log.
RANGER-1661: Default Ranger HDFS policy resource path is wrong.
RANGER-1665: provide a way to get list of policies associated with given resource.
RANGER-1666: Ranger UI should consider recursiveSupported attribute value at each resource level to Store the Policy.
RANGER-1670: Change in Atlas Kafka consumer interface for Atlas tag sync.
RANGER-1679: Export Policy not working when Knox proxy is Enabled..
RANGER-1689: Enabling recursive policy only for relativepath in WASB servicedef.
RANGER-1695: Optimize Ranger code for authorization of HDFS 'getContentSummary' and 'delete' commands.
RANGER-1696: Request to get all policies for hive or hbase service-type does not include policies that apply to specific child resource.
RANGER-1708: Remove tag services from service type and service name filters under Access Audit..
RANGER-1714: Disable dynamic sorting of policies when trie pre-filter is enabled.
RANGER-1715: Enhance Ranger Hive Plugin to support authorization on Hive replication Tasks.
RANGER-1737: Fixed RANGER-1181 by providing correct set of parameters to Hdfs Native Authorizer in case of fall-back.
HDP 2.6.1 provided Ranger 0.7.0 and the following Apache patches:
RANGER-1436: Disable, by default, deny policies with ranger.servicedef.enableDenyAndExceptionsInPolicies config parameter.
RANGER-1436: Turn Ranger Deny Policy & Except Conditions block to On by default .
RANGER-1475: reducing the highest time stamp value to pick all the users syncd during sync cycle.
RANGER-1490: Increase size of sort_order column of x_policy_resource_map.
RANGER-1531: Good coding practice while parsing XML documents in Ranger.
RANGER-1546: Code Improvement To Follow Best Practices.
RANGER-1548: Ranger needs better error messages when Ambari Infra is off.
RANGER-1550: HDFS test connection and resource lookup failing.
RANGER-1612: When servicedef is accessed, def_options property "enableDenyAndExceptionsInPolicies" is returned as "false" if there is no value set for it.
HDP 2.6.0 provided Ranger 0.7.0 and the following Apache patches:
RANGER-1378: Update MySQL Schema to fix issues related to only_full_group_by restriction of MySQL 5.7 version..
RANGER-1383: Use resource matchers for filtering service policies.
RANGER-1392: Hive test connection is failing even if jdbc.url configured is correct to 2.6-maint.
RANGER-1392: Revert "RANGER-1392: Hive test connection is failing even if jdbc.url configured is correct to 2.6-maint".
RANGER-1401: Add consolidated db schema script for SQLServer DB flavor.
RANGER-1405: groups are not shown if exact user name is passed in search filter.
RANGER-1406: Audit spoolfile not getting created when ranger service user didn't have permission to log into Solr.
RANGER-1407: Service update transaction log is not generated in some cases.
RANGER-1409: User role get deleted from table when he tries to update his role to a restricted role.
RANGER-1413: Fix issues uncovered by static code analysis.
RANGER-1413: Good coding practice in Ranger recommended by static code analysis.
RANGER-1417: Ranger Upgrade is failing for Oracle DB flavor.
RANGER-1422: Ranger Knox Plugin audit doesn't have the access type populated.
RANGER-1428: In certain scenario user data contains junk email-id.
RANGER-1434: Enable Group Search First causes issues when Enable Group Sync is disabled - 2.6-maint branch.
RANGER-1435: Allow different files to be specified for unix based usersync - 2.6-maint.
RANGER-1435: fixed minor issue of resource filenames from previous commit.
RANGER-1440: Improve install script to retry failing statements.
RANGER-1448: Change of import / export icons on Ranger UI.
RANGER-1453: Ranger KMS failed to start with Exception] : More than one Master Key exists.
RANGER-1459: Ranger update policy API is failing on Postgres / Oracle for case sensitive ACLs.
RANGER-1477: 'show databases' fails with access-denied when user doesn't have access to some of the databases.