Apache Hive Performance Tuning
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Setting up LLAP

Using Ambari, you can set up basic, low-latency analytical processing (LLAP) by accepting the default llap queue, changing some YARN queue properties, and adding a HiveServer property to hive-site.xml.

  • You have installed Ambari 2.7.x or later.
  • You added and started YARN, Tez, and dependencies that Ambari prompts you to add.
  • You added, started, and can run conventional queries from the Hive service.
  • If enabled, you disabled maintenance mode for the Hive service and target host for HiveServer Interactive (HSI); otherwise, enabling LLAP fails to install HSI. Alternatively, you need to install HiveServer Interactive on the Ambari server as follows:
    curl -u admin:<password> -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" -i -X POST http://host:8080/api/v1/clusters/<cluster_name>/hosts/<host_name>/host_components/HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE