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Use the Hue HBase app

Hue is a web-based interactive query editor that enables you to interact with data warehouses. You can use the HBase Browser application in Hue to create and browse HBase tables.

The HBase Hue app enables you to insert a new row or bulk upload CSV files, TSV files, and type data into your table. You can also insert columns into your row. If you need more control or data about your cell, you can use the full editor to edit a cell.

If you are using the HBase Thrift interface, Hue fits in between the Thrift Server and the HBase client, and the Thrift Server assumes that all HBase operations come from the hue user and not the client. To ensure that users in Hue are only allowed to perform HBase operations assigned to their own credentials, and not those of the hue user, you must enable doAs Impersonation for the HBase Browser Application.