CDP Private Cloud Base

CDP Private Cloud Base is the on-premises version of Cloudera Data Platform. This new product combines the best of Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub and Hortonworks Data Platform Enterprise along with new features and enhancements across the stack . This unified distribution is a scalable and customizable platform where you can securely run many types of workloads.

CDP Private Cloud Base supports a variety of hybrid solutions where compute tasks are separated from data storage and where data can be accessed from remote clusters, including workloads created using CDP Private Cloud Data Services. This hybrid approach provides a foundation for containerized applications by managing storage, table schema, authentication, authorization and governance.

CDP Private Cloud Base is comprised of a variety of components such as Apache HDFS, Apache Hive 3, Apache HBase, and Apache Impala, along with many other components for specialized workloads. You can select any combination of these services to create clusters that address your business requirements and workloads. Several pre-configured packages of services are also available for common workloads.

Cloudera Runtime is the core open source software distribution within CDP Private Cloud Base. Cloudera Runtime includes approximately 50 open source projects that comprise the core distribution of data management tools within CDP. Cloudera Runtime components are documented in this library. See Cloudera Runtime Component Versions for a list of these components.

CDP Private Cloud Base also includes the following tools to manage and secure your deployment:

  • Cloudera Manager allows you to manage, monitor, and configure your clusters and services using the Cloudera Manager Admin Console web application or the Cloudera Manager API.
  • Apache Atlas provides a set of metadata management and governance services that enable you to manage CDP cluster assets.
  • Apache Ranger manages access control through a user interface that ensures consistent policy administration in CDP clusters.

The CDP Private Cloud overview library provides an overview of CDP along with CDP Private Cloud Base upgrade information.