Installing and Configuring MySQL

You can install and configure MySQL. For supported database versions, see System Requirements.

Install MySQL

If you are using PostgreSQL instead of MySQL, you may skip these steps. See the instructions for PostgreSQL in the next section.

  1. Log in to the machine on which you want to install MySQL to use for the EFM Server.
  2. Install MySQL and the MySQL community server, and start the MySQL service. For install instructions, check
  3. Obtain the randomly generated MySQL root password.
    grep 'A temporary password is generated for root@localhost' \
    /var/log/mysqld.log |tail -1
  4. Reset the MySQL root password. Enter the following command. You are prompted for the password you obtained in the previous step. MySQL then asks you to change the password.
  5. Download the MySQL JDBC Connector and place it in the EFM lib directory: /path/to/efm-1.1.1/lib/.

    Download the MySQL database driver from

    It is recommended to select the Platform Independent offering, download one of the archives, extract, and then copy the connector JAR to the lib directory.

Configure MySQL for use by EFM

  1. Launch the MySQL shell:
    mysql -u root -p
  2. Create the database for the EFM service to use:
  3. Create the efm user account, replacing the final IDENTIFIED BY string with your password:
    CREATE USER 'efm'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'efmPassword';
  4. Assign privileges to the efm account:
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON efm.* TO 'efm'@'%';
  5. Commit the operation:

Configure the EFM database properties

  1. Configure the database properties in the file:
    The URL should match the host and port of the machine running MySQL. The password should match the value that you set using the following command:
    CREATE USER 'efm'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'efmPassword';