Fixed Issues
Summary of fixed issues for this release.
Fixed issues in this release include:
- Memory leak in ConsumeWindowsEventLog to PublishKafka flows
- InvokeHTTP - thread hung
- EFM only displays up to 10 classes in the deployment tab
- Connection labels not rendering correctly in FireFox
- Delete hot key does not work on FireFox following open/close of sidenav
- Prevent termination and connection of a relationship at the same time
- MiNiFi java cannot send heartbeat due to NoClassDefFoundError
- Knox Authentication token renewal fails in EFM
- MiNiFi C++ agent heartbeat interval not working for all values
- Processor validation errors are not updated correctly
- Handling of flow updates will fail to apply parameters for non-new agents
- Empty properties are incorrectly interpreted as parameters and invalid
- MiNiFi Java ignores heartbeat period
- Repo metrics seem to not be functioning
- Convert property to parameter Create Parameter dialog left open when routing away
- Deployment Agent Class Summary does not show failed updates
- Apply button becomes inactive after making changes
- Nifi to Agent S2S communication fails