Known Issues

Summary of known issues for this release.

Known issues in this release include:
  • MiNiFi Java GetFile processor does not honor the 'Ignore Hidden File' property under certain conditions
  • The EFM web UI does always behave predictably when using the browser "back" navigation button. It is recommended to use the in-app navigation buttons until this is addressed.
  • Recent versions of browsers, including Chrome and Firefox, blocks HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP access to TCP port 10080 to prevent the ports from being abused in NAT Slipstreaming 2.0 attacks.

    Workaround: In case of an error message saying could not connect to server in the browser, you need to change the port being used by EFM. You can set a different value for the efm.server.port property in the file. You need to restart EFM for the change to be effective. The change also needs to be reflected on the agents to ensure proper communication.