Step 3: Install Runtime Using the Wizard

Proceed through the installation wizard to specify hosts, install and configure Cloudera Runtime, and more.

Log Into the Cloudera Manager Console

  1. In a web browser, go to http://<server_host>:7180, where <server_host> is the FQDN or IP address of the host where the Cloudera Manager Server is running.
  2. Log into Cloudera Manager Admin Console. The default credentials are:

    Username: admin

    Password: admin

Upload License File

On the Upload License File page, you can select either the trial version of CDP Data Center or upload a license file:

  1. Choose one of the following options:
    • Upload Cloudera Data Platform License
    • Try Cloudera Data Platform for 60 days. The CDP Data Center trial does not require a license file, but the trial expires after 60 days.
  2. If you choose the CDP Data Center Edition Trial, you can upload a license file at a later time. Read the license agreement and click the checkbox labeled Yes, I accept the Cloudera Standard License Terms and Conditions if you accept the terms and conditions of the license agreement. Then click Continue.
  3. If you have a license file for CDP Data Center, upload the license file:
    1. Select Upload Cloudera Data Platform License.
    2. Click Upload License File.
    3. Browse to the location of the license file, select the file, and click Open.
    4. Click Upload.
    5. Click Continue.
  4. Information is displayed indicating what the Runtime installation includes. At this point, you can click the Support drop-down menu to access online Help or the Support Portal.
  5. Click Continue to proceed with the installation.

Welcome (Add Cluster - Installation)

The Welcome page of the Add Cluster - Installation wizard provides a brief overview of the installation and configuration procedure, as well as some links to relevant documentation.

Click Continue to proceed with the installation.

Cluster Basics

The Cluster Basics page allows you to specify the Cluster Name and select the Cluster Type:
  • Regular Cluster: A Regular Cluster contains storage nodes, compute nodes, and other services such as metadata and security collocated in a single cluster.
  • Compute Cluster: A Compute Cluster consists of only compute nodes. To connect to existing storage, metadata or security services, you must first choose or create a Data Context on a Base Cluster.

For new installations, Regular Cluster is the only option. You cannot add a compute cluster if you do not have an existing base cluster.

For more information on regular and compute clusters, and data contexts, see Virtual Private Clusters and Cloudera SDX.

Enter a cluster name and then click Continue.

Specify Hosts

Choose which hosts will run Runtime and other managed services.
  1. To enable Cloudera Manager to automatically discover hosts on which to install Runtime and managed services, enter the cluster hostnames or IP addresses in the Hostnames field. You can specify hostname and IP address ranges as follows:
    Expansion Range Matching Hosts

    You can specify multiple addresses and address ranges by separating them with commas, semicolons, tabs, or blank spaces, or by placing them on separate lines. Use this technique to make more specific searches instead of searching overly wide ranges. Only scans that reach hosts running SSH will be selected for inclusion in your cluster by default. You can enter an address range that spans over unused addresses and then clear the nonexistent hosts later in the procedure, but wider ranges require more time to scan.

  2. Click Search. If there are a large number of hosts on your cluster, wait a few moments to allow them to be discovered and shown in the wizard. If the search is taking too long, you can stop the scan by clicking Abort Scan. You can modify the search pattern and repeat the search as many times as you need until you see all of the expected hosts.
  3. Verify that the number of hosts shown matches the number of hosts where you want to install services. Clear host entries that do not exist or where you do not want to install services.
  4. Click Continue.

    The Select Repository screen displays.

Select Repository

The Select Repository page allows you to specify repositories for Cloudera Manager Agent and CDH and other software.

In the Cloudera Manager Agent section:

  1. Select either Public Cloudera Repository or Custom Repository for the Cloudera Manager Agent software.
  2. If you select Custom Repository, do not include the operating system-specific paths in the URL. For instructions on setting up a custom repository, see Configuring a Local Package Repository.
  3. Select the installation method for Runtime and other software. For this trial cluster, select Use Parcels (Recommended).
  4. Select the version of Runtime to install. If you do not see the version you want to install, click the More Options button to add the repository URL for your version. Repository URLs for Runtime 7 are documented in Cloudera Runtime Download Information. After adding the repository, click Save Changes and wait a few seconds for the version to appear. If your Cloudera Manager host uses an HTTP proxy, click the Proxy Settings button to configure your proxy.
  5. Specify any Additional Parcels you want to install.
  6. Click Continue.

The Select JDK page displays.

Select JDK

If you installed your own JDK version, such as Oracle JDK 8, in Step 2: Install Java Development Kit, select Manually manage JDK.

To allow Cloudera Manager to automatically install the OpenJDK on cluster hosts, select Install a Cloudera-provided version of OpenJDK.

To install the default OpenJDK that is provided by your operating system, select Install a system-provided version of OpenJDK.

After checking the applicable boxes, click Continue.

Enter Login Credentials

  1. Select root for the root account, or select Another user and enter the username for an account that has password-less sudo privileges.
  2. Select an authentication method:
    • If you choose password authentication, enter and confirm the password.
    • If you choose public-key authentication, provide a passphrase and path to the required key files.

    You can modify the default SSH port if necessary.

  3. Specify the maximum number of host installations to run at once. The default and recommended value is 10. You can adjust this based on your network capacity.
  4. Click Continue.

The Install Agents page displays.

Install Agents

The Install Agents page displays the progress of the installation. You can click on the Details link for any host to view the installation log. If the installation is stalled, you can click the Abort Installation button to cancel the installation and then view the installation logs to troubleshoot the problem.

If the installation fails on any hosts, you can click the Retry Failed Hosts to retry all failed hosts, or you can click the Retry link on a specific host.

After installing the Cloudera Manager Agent on all hosts, click Continue. The Install Parcels page displays.

Install Parcels

The Install Parcels page reports the installation progress of the parcels you selected earlier. After the parcels are downloaded, progress bars appear representing each cluster host. You can click on an individual progress bar for details about that host.

After the installation is complete, click Continue.

The Inspect Hosts page displays.

Inspect Cluster

The Inspect Cluster page provides a tool for inspecting network performance as well as the Host Inspector to search for common configuration problems. Cloudera recommends that you run the inspectors sequentially:

  1. Run the Inspect Network Performance tool. You can click Advanced Options to customize some ping parameters.
  2. After the network inspector completes, click Show Inspector Results to view the results in a new tab.
  3. Address any reported issues, and click Run Again (if applicable).
  4. Click Inspect Hosts to run the Host Inspector utility.
  5. After the host inspector completes, click Show Inspector Results to view the results in a new tab.
  6. Address any reported issues, and click Run Again (if applicable).

If the reported issues cannot be resolved in a timely manner, and you want to abandon the cluster creation wizard to address them, select the radio button labeled Quit the wizard and Cloudera Manager will delete the temporarily created cluster and then click Continue.

Otherwise, after addressing any identified problems, select the radio button labeled I understand the risks, let me continue with cluster creation, and then click Continue.

This completes the Cluster Installation wizard and launches the Add Cluster - Configuration wizard.