Step 1: Configure a Repository for Cloudera Manager

Cloudera Manager is installed using package management tools such as yum for RHEL compatible systems. These tools depend on access to repositories to install software. Cloudera maintains Internet-accessible repositories for Runtime and Cloudera Manager installation files.

You can also create your own internal repository for hosts that do not have Internet access. For more information on creating an internal repository for Cloudera Manager, see Configuring a Local Package Repository.

To use the Cloudera repository:

RHEL compatible

  1. Download the cloudera-manager.repo file for your OS version to the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory on the Cloudera Manager Server host.
    You can download the repository file at the following location:
  2. Import the repository signing GPG key:
    • RHEL 7 compatible:
      sudo rpm --import https://[username]:[password]
  3. Edit the repository file and add your username and password:
    Open the /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-manager.repo file in a text editor. The file will look like this:
    name=Cloudera Manager 7.0.3
    and replace the two changeme placeholders with your username and password.
  4. Continue to Step 2: Install Java Development Kit.